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July 8, 2023
I am dreaming of trying to collect the kids from school and the child minders are useless and V's running off and the 5 yo somehow having a pair of scissors and a knife and cutting his palm before I can get to him and then again V has to be wrangled back. At some point I…
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Recent Entries

  • [Interlude]
    April 27, 2023
    This time of year I am always absolutely suffocating on old end of winter air and compulsively open windows until I'm completely chilled just to get living air in my lungs for a few hours
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  • I Bet My Hands/I Can Stay Here
    April 24, 2023
    Whenever <less and less, anymore> I get stressed out enough for long enough that a wart begins to try to grow up through the confusion, the constant discomfort is a reminder, over and over and over, that the fungus is wrapped as deep and thoroughly through my bones as Bea is. I have to carr...
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  • [Interlude]
    April 9, 2023
    I said I was grieving for having dared to have so much hope and he told me to grow up
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  • Making Contact/Gets Harder/As the Silence/Grows Longer
    March 30, 2023
    Yesterday evening, Mister .                                              ;I just don't like the way the kids treat you. The way they talk to you. Like you're just at their service. They walk all over you .   …
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  • It’s a Dream/But There’s a Real World/Waiting
    March 28, 2023
    I dream regularly of emergency lights<overdue for an oil change> popping on in my car and logistical impossibilities only I am asked to solve and trying to get somewhere before it's too late lately. Packing while people actively undo my work and deadlines sprint at me. Having to calmly argu...
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  • And You Haven’t Moved An Inch/Such That I Have Not Known
    March 21, 2023
    When I tell you I'm doing well you don't have any choice but to believe me, now do you. 'With your hand  In my hand So still and  Discrete' - Hozier
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  • She Says/All She Needs is/Therapy
    March 12, 2023
    The big dog is taking me way too seriously as I wail to Mister that I don't want to rest and be taken care of and have my period I WANT TO BE PLOWED LIKE A PARKING LOT so good you find a hidden car everyone forgot about three months later! He cannot parse the difference between…
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  • [Interlude]
    March 9, 2023
    One of the reasons I have never left this region is because of that thing where sometimes you walk out the door and do a quick double-scan of the woods because something about them is much sketchier than usual.
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  • Said ;Don’t They Look at Peace/ Sometimes I Wish That Was Me;
    March 6, 2023
    Today I loudly, bitterly miss getting <just extraordinarily, raucously>drunk about my feelings. Plugged to the couch under a dog and a blanket with purple lips, glass in hand, noisily face leaking over Bones. I know it is a privileged, protected impulse to stop keeping up with events; but I...
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