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I saw The Greatest Showman and…

February 6, 2018
Of course I LOVED it. People actually applauded at the end. The music was amazing. Hugh Jackman isn’t my favorite singer, but you can’t say he didn’t fit the part. It had me with ALL the feels. Goosebumps and tears. It needs to be seen on the big screen with an amazing sound system. I…
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Recent Entries

  • And here we go again!
    January 31, 2018
    Welcome back! I can’t believe we are here again! They say you can never go home again, but we shall see! My daughter is now 8! We’ve returned to Arizona from Virginia. I’m still teaching (and loving it). My dog, Simmie, died 6 years ago. I have 2 pups now, Penny and Dakota. They’re 1.5…
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  • Good Bye
    January 30, 2014
    I'm sad to see this end. It's been with me for so long.  I might go to Prose Box. I'll let you know if I do. Some of you are already with me on Facebook. I don't know how much time we have left here. If you want to "friend" me on Facebook, let me…
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  • I’m thankful for all of YOU…OD.
    November 27, 2013
    Not a whole lot going on right now. We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and since then it's been football. We already had our big meal so that we would have leftovers for dinner. Kenzie, of course, didn't eat any of the prepared food. She's having a picky eating day...that's fine. You want ...
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  • James Ensor Assignment
    November 15, 2013
    A few days ago (or closer to a week or so) a diarist, James Ensor, asked if anybody wanted a writing assignment. I asked for one and this is what he gave me: You're given carte blanche to redesign the complete K-12 curriculum. What do you keep? What do you lose? What do you change? Which&hel...
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  • Bad dream
    October 25, 2013
    I had the worst dream any mom could have. I dreamt they hid in my car and after I strapped in my baby girl they took her. I felt the crushing pain of not knowing where she was or what was happening to her. I remember searching for her and collapsing because she couldn't be…
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  • I made this…sewing adventure
    October 12, 2013
    It's Queen Elinor from Disney's Brave. I did use a pattern (because I can visualize what I want, lack the ability to make my hand draw what I need), but I chose the fabric, trims and bobbles. Please ignore the "choker". I won't be wearing it when it comes time, but felt that I needed&he...
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  • Saturdays
    October 4, 2013
    It doesn't feel like October. It's almost 90 should be closer to 50. Global warming...pshhh.... I love Saturdays. I should be doing some work for school, but I finished my grading and put it all into the grade book. All I have left is to formalize my lesson plans.  I am watching...
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  • Crowd sourcing…for entertainment
    October 1, 2013
    Only I haven't much to say. Maybe I should do a crowd sourcing thing.... Not sure if anybody has anything they want me to write about... So... What is it you really want to know?  I'll do my best to answer truthfully (and that which I don't know I will make up...we all like a…
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  • Why do I feel busier?
    September 27, 2013
    Remember this time last year? I had just started my final year of my Master's program. I was totally bogged down with reading and papers and research?  I remember being super busy. I remember saying, "I can't wait until I'm done. I'll get my Saturdays back!" Yeah. So didn't happen....
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