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hey, good people!

May 20, 2008
hey, good people who read any of my entries leave your email addresses here ... marked the notes private ... and i will get to you. i don't have anything much to say now, so i don't come here as much!   lets talk thru IM!   ciao!
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Recent Entries

  • for odette!
    May 18, 2007     Gravity Lyrics Artist: Maya Sakamoto Song Description: Ending Theme Song Been a long road to follow Been there and gone tomorrow Without saying goodbye to yesterday Are the memories I hold still valid? Or have the tears deluded them? Maybe this...
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  • lights!
    April 19, 2007
    being a brown man tourist, "OmG! u stink, whr r u from? india?....pakistan/bangladesh??? "can i try dat dress there by the window?"..."certainly not, ur pervert potential customer of mine. u'll hav to use the changing room like evrybody else!" i've been seeing a lot ...
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  • so?
    February 25, 2007
    you know sometimes i wonder what am i doing here if all i'm going to do is just be like any other guys who would rather keep things inside than share it out...*sigh*
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  • 2/19/07
    February 18, 2007
    i feel stupid carrying this load around i feel stupid walking all alone it felt like i'm losing or lost already but how can you lose things that you never had so i see you've found a "new interesting" person.
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  • 2/19/07
    February 18, 2007
    hey, sue! whr r u? and "U" r "U" leavin too whn wud i wud i b famous! sue, it's funny...i met u hr but i c u here no more so whrevr u r hope ur good and happy!
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  • 2/19/07
    February 18, 2007
    ok, this is me at my university surrounded by ppl who look all happy but even in this sea why d heck do i feel alone and empty i'm miserable seriously ah! woe to loneliness, anyway, so one the gals is this ayesha khlid and i was told she's a psycho. but i don't think…
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  • 2/19/07
    February 18, 2007
    i'm pretty close to whr i dnt want to be,. the bittrness level is very hi and m afraid that i might explode... wiil go solo and ramped this small world i exist in...create a new one for self whr u'll beg for mercy but it's not mine to give. ask The Supreme Authority for…
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  • 2/19/07
    February 18, 2007
    holy! time past by so fast today i ddnt notice dat it was 2:30 ....lunch time i know and my tummy is letting me know too! so speaking of which i don't know if mandi will call today (or ever!) or not so we'll c ahmmm.... God, i'm hating my uni. got to remind jess…
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  • in the mail!
    February 11, 2007
            When I was only seventeen,I had my first romance;I fell seriously in love,At the High School Harvest Dance. Johnny was a college man,He was in his freshman year;He wore a cashmere sports coat,And was very debonair. I felt so proud when we walked in,All eyes had tu...
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