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It was ME. My mistake.

September 28, 2022
I did it! I was the one who deleted half of my OD and backed it up somewhere. Where, I have no idea. I hope I can track it down. Anyway, I found an entry in early 2012 about what I did and completely thought that it just disappeared. I can't believe I forgot! So,…
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Recent Entries

  • I was unable to maintain my diary and now 7 years are gone
    March 8, 2022
    First, I had no way of paying from China that I was able to figure out or learn while I was there, so after the 30 days, the only safe place to write about my experiences was gone. Then in November 2019, I returned (earlier than I had planned due to health reasons). Foolishly got…
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  • Timeline in reverse chronological order: bullet points
    June 18, 2018
    (late) February 2018 - Moved to China. October 2017 - Started working as an online English Teacher July - August 2017 - My little cousin's bestie came to visit us in the US. It was during this time that I realised that I don't like my sister at all. March 2017 - Graduated with my…
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  • Funerals in Wuxi and the 6am fireworks
    May 30, 2018
    They happen almost daily. Of course, in a city of over 5 million people, that's to be expected. They are very different here. I almost never go a day without the 6am fire crackers set off to scare away evil spirits. The first time I saw a funeral procession, I missed the casket (or there…
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  • I want to write a basic time-line but…
    May 23, 2018
    I just don't have the time or the energy right now. In the midst of working two teaching jobs, I am also trying like hell to get my funds stateside because my student loans are about to go into default. I have the money to pay, but not the ability too. Shit is so complicated…
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  • it didn’t work; let’s try it again
    September 11, 2013
    The MRI report identified a "herniated" disc and an annular tear amid bulging discs. The orthopedic surgeon says they're just bulging discs and that "herniation" could mean many things including "bulging" discs. Mind you, this is a phone conversation and I still haven't gone in yet. The really fr...
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  • Results
    September 9, 2013
    L5-S1 Herniation to the left sideL4-L5 annular tearThose are the basic changes.The MRI from two years ago showed a bulging disc at L3-L4, a possible annular tear at L4-L5, desiccation at L5-S1 and the appearance of arthritis in the lower lumbar.Can't say I'm surprised. Waiting for an appointment ...
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  • Hurry up and wait
    September 8, 2013
    A lot has been going on.The summer started with my mom in and out of the hospital (actually at the beginning of finals week). She had a gastric? ulcer and cellulitis. It has taken her most of the summer, but she is on the mend now. Finally.In the interim, I had separated my shoulder the…
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  • On Grammar Supremacy
    August 8, 2013
    I wrote a previous version of this in my notes on Facebook, a few months back, and it's still very relevant.First, view the link here (and I apologize if you have to copy and paste, but it's important for the context):
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  • Really swamped, but I had to write about this
    April 10, 2013
    In my class, Understanding the International Experience, my instructor, Prof. Brown, went into great detail about what we should do and what to expect regarding Ethnographic Interviews with cultural informants from other coutnries.One particular example she explained was regarding a cultural info...
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