I cant wait for this to end
and leave tonight behind us
I'm unsettled letting go of you
and sleeping the night in silence

and this laptop falls along with me
onto my bed while rolling over
break my heart and break my fall
dont kiss him and color all
memories you had of me

the last time I saw you
you were standing by his side
the last time you saw me
seated close as I waited by the phone

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

I can wait until my heart mends
so I can finally go outside
and I tell myself, look Ken
It's better to lost love
then paint a smile and pretend

The last time I saw you
you were standing by his side
the last time you saw me
seated close as I waited by the phone

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

The last time I saw you
you were standing by his side
the last time you saw me
was in a crumpled photograph that missed the bed

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

He loves you
who loves you more?
To let you go

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Me & my brothers

May 7, 2001
My brothers & I have not always been the best of family to each other. They are 10 & 11 years older then I am, which makes a big differnce. We were never there for each other, and I don't think we'll really ever b. It's gotten better though, now that I'm older and have…
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