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Wemberly Worried

January 13, 2018
People who don’t spend a major amount of time with her don’t understand how anxious and negative Pippa can be. They don’t see it because when she’s in a place that she likes with lots of things to distract her and away from the routine of home it almost ceases to exist. She’s dragging Oma…
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Recent Entries

  • The Monday-est of Mondays
    December 11, 2017
    That’s what one of the other moms at Anika’s dance class called today and I have to admit that I’m inclined to agree. It started out fairly promising - the girls woke up pretty cheery, Alan was able to drive Pippa to school so I didn’t have to walk in the snow banks - but…
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  • Raining, Pouring, Total Lack of Snoring
    December 6, 2017
    I was drowsing over my book, as usual, until I wake up enough for a last trip to the bathroom, snuggle in, and turn off my light. Just as I was drifting off, Alan rolls over on me, elbows me in the head, and begins a never ending chorus of coughing. FML. So I was…
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  • For Me
    November 30, 2017
    I feel like very little of my life since moving here has actually been for me. So today after getting groceries I made some rolls with the leftover mashed potatoes from a couple nights ago. And maybe it’s not strictly for me, since we’re having them for dinner, but it was also not necessary. We&h...
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  • Round 2
    November 20, 2017
    Me on Sunday: Alright, alright, alright! I’ve got three loads of laundry for tomorrow, need to decide on an appetizer to bring down to Waterbury, Anika has dance, I’ll stop at Target after and pick up a couple toys for the toy drive at the school. I have GOT this! My stomach at about 1:30…
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  • Oh Well
    November 13, 2017
    So much for that NoJoMo thing. Missed a couple days. Life got in the way. It does that.The weekend in Vermont was overall pretty good. The girls had a couple rough spots with missing Daddy and their own beds, but had a lot of fun running Muppet and Grumpy ragged all over the house. I…
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  • Vermont
    November 10, 2017
    The girls and I are in Vermont for the weekend while Alan is back home with the dog and cats. Why? Because even though he has today off, he’s working tomorrow. Army recruiters working on Veterans Day. And not even for a parade or some kind of event. That makes complete sense, right?The girls love...
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  • Prep
    November 9, 2017
    Day 9In which we STILL don’t know if Alan can come with us to Vermont. Honestly, this recruiting gig is for the birds. I am 1000% done and I want to go home. At this point, of course, there’s not really anywhere that meets the definition, but I think almost any Army post would do.…
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  • Conference Time
    November 8, 2017
    Day 8We had our first conference with Pippa’s teacher today, which went very well. She’s right where she should be and while she is a chatterbox, she’s not disruptive. I do worry about next year when she has to sit more, focus more, but for now she’s fine. I found a tick on the damn…
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  • I was just looking for socks
    November 7, 2017
    The weather is finally cooling off and suddenly it’s downright cold. I’m planning to take the girls up to Vermont for the weekend where it’ll be even colder, so after I got Pippa from school I took them over to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look for winter socks. So I have the girls in tow…
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