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Long time, Know Sea

March 9, 2025
Hey Y'all I'm guessing no one had a great time between 2020 and forever. On top of the isolation and arm chair divisive nature of public discourse, I lost my mother, she would have been 97 this month. To some the apocalypse is welcomed, not to piss on their parade, but, it's not really happening....
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Recent Entries

  • From the Archives (7-03-2010)
    October 10, 2022
    Across the margent of the world I fled, And troubled the gold gateways of the stars, Smiting for shelter on their clanged bars; Fretted to dulcet jars And silvern chatter the pale ports o’ the moon. — Francis Thompson Yesterday I fed a raw carrot to Levi. He tried his damnedest to look like he&he...
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  • From the archives
    February 11, 2022
    This old man was graceful, with silver in his smile, he smoked a briar pipe and he walked a country mile, singing songs of shady sisters, in two part harmony, songs of love and songs of death, songs to set men free --- The Doors But I’ve already seen the picture, it filled me with…
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  • Stranger to himself
    August 15, 2021
    2021 is fast becoming a skidmark in the skivvy drawer of all my days. Good riddance to old rubbish I say. Sometimes in crisis people step up and help one another and maybe that’s how history will remember these days. That’s not really how the US has been acting. The US was considered, or at…
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  • From the Archives, 07/03/2010
    July 3, 2021
    Scream my name above the din Above the engines carnal din Above the calve who bleat their lungs out Baa baa moo moo baa baa baa — Will Oldham Across the margent of the world I fled, And troubled the gold gateways of the stars, Smiting for shelter on their clanged bars; Fretted to dulcet…
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  • Does this font make my I look red?
    February 26, 2021
    So, there’s this thing online head shops do when you start and order out of curiosity or to see how the prices stack up or how a coupon works or whatever wacky shit you do with your online shopping habits, they send you a message much like or exactly like this; Did you puff it…
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  • High Tide
    February 18, 2021
    Today is my birthday, well, one of them, not even a particularly significant one, except that it follows 2020. I feel like all my birthdays have come crashing down around me like … well, a house of cards, but from a distance they looked they were going to be heavier. The storm system that seems&h...
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  • An illegal smile
    January 11, 2021
    It’s a few steps later into 2021, not many mind you, not far enough to shake off the stench of 2020. That’d be both funnier and more profound if were sitting next to me. The shower drain was backed up, I poured draino into it, I’ve used every kind of snake shy of a live…
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  • Day One
    January 1, 2021
    2021, man have you got a lot to prove. Fortunately, you have a low bar; kill less people with a pandemic and shoot fewer black guys for being black in America.  For me personally, if you don’t count doing shit for my loved ones, my community and my country (which is fine by me if…
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  • Birch Run
    October 13, 2020
    It’s Late in a relative sort of way, the hours of the day have almost run their course, all the things mankind had to say have been said, done, dreamed, enacted in music, on the stage, in our physics and chemistry. Two millennia and some change since the last victor of martyrs died, empires rose&...
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