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Wow, there’s so much good stuff to tell you!

December 29, 2008
Let's see, so I haven't written since about the middle of September, and so much has happened!  First, I didn't get the job at the bank, mostly because I had to tell them I wasn't avaliable since I got a job with the school!  I'm working as a para-pro, which means I'm teaching, just doi...
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Recent Entries

  • A nice day off
    September 6, 2008
    Even though we had the day off, we woke up around 7am.  I guess we're getting back on schedule!  We lounged around for a while, then went to get coffee and some stuff for breakfast.  After we had breakfast we did some house keeping and laundry.  It's not so bad when we do thin...
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  • Over Spent
    September 4, 2008
    I'm really worried that between the money I spent on material, along with the 8 bottles of wine that I bought, that I might have gone way over what I should have!  I mean, I know in the long run that the material was a great deal, it's really beautiful, and it was a good…
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  • You’re gonna miss this…
    August 9, 2008
    That's what I keep telling myself every time I get bummed out about the current state of my life.  Not that it's all that horrible, but some times I just get really down about the crappy job, about how Luke and I won't be getting married until next October, and how that means I don't ge...
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  • Why does this keep happening?
    August 3, 2008
    My mom came up to Omak this weekend, it was the first time she's come up here.  She said our apartment was bigger than she thought it was, and she really liked it.  She also helped me put in a ceilling fan in the bed room, which is fantastic!  We were going to put one…
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  • Luke’s Back
    July 19, 2008
    (another post-dated entry)  I've been meaning to update, but I just tend to get distracted and want to spend all my time with Luke! He got back a couple of weeks ago, it was good timing, since I had a three day weekend not too long after he got back. So we drove over to the coast,&...
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  • The Results
    June 28, 2008
    (I'm post-dating this, since I menat to write it ages ago, but it didn't happen, but I wanted to stick it in here before I wrote everything else!) So three weeks ago, I weighed 262, I've been on the South Beach diet for the last 2 weeks, and this morning I weighed 249.  Yup, I…
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  • South Beach Diet – phase one foods
    June 26, 2008
    The main reason I like this diet is because this "strict" phase only lasts two weeks, and the results are so totally worth it! Phase 1 Foods - Note: Portions are not limited unless otherwise specified. FOODS TO ENJOY PROTEIN BEEF Lean* cuts, such as: Bottom Round Eye of Round Flank Stea...
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  • OMG, I’m actually on a diet…
    June 23, 2008
    It's been a while since I've talked about my weight, I've meant to a couple of times, I've just never gotten around to it.  So a little before I started at Wal-Mart, and in the couple of weeks there after, I was feeling very disgusting, so completely fat and horrible.  I've never felt s...
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  • It’s mostly about Luke
    June 14, 2008
    Luke is done with school, I think he had a pretty good first year, I'm really proud of him.  He started out with this big mess that was left by the last guy, so he had to set up all these files and a whole system from scratch basically.  He's decided to stay at this…
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