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…on this day of your life –

January 9, 2018
Sometimes, you get what you need from the universe. Neale Donald Walsh has really resonated with me over the past few decades. I get daily emails... And if you see my previous entry, you'll see the "coincidence" I needed to hear - On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know…
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Recent Entries

  • Jan/Feb
    January 8, 2018
    Every year, I deteriorate in January and February. I'm fine until it hits. It is the same every year. I start to believe that EVERYONE is against me. No one likes me anymore. I don't know what I did. Am I too annoying? Am I boring? Is my happy demeanor somehow ridiculous? Did I mistake…
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  • My best friend.
    January 5, 2018
    I find myself wrapped up in my best friend, and I always think, "Well it's going to end sometime. What do you expect?" Yet we are each other's confidante. Sometimes I want to pull teenage tricks and push-and-pull. Talk a lot, then hold back when if I don't get the results I want to see…
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  • 160.2
    January 4, 2018
    Well, there it is. Grated, there really IS a TON of muscle. You should see/feel them, and watch me go go go. But what I'm looking for is about 140. I don't do what I need to. I'm sort of lazy. It's all on the nutritional aspect at this point. Meal preparation sort of sucks,…
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  • Beta Test –
    January 1, 2018
    Okay, am I doing this wrong... I'm on the month-long trial until I have to pay if i want to keep it. So I still can't leave notes or anything? Just write? Unless I pay? This would make it very difficult for me to make friendships, though, like the last time around... My opinion -…
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  • Okay, so it’s 2018.
    January 1, 2018
    I think everyone always says the same thing, "This year sucked! Onto next year!!!" I get kinda tired of reading that stuff. I think we all went through ups and downs. Life is that way. Yeah, some years are worse than others. Like... Really, really bad. But I think everyone generally wants to use ...
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  • Reclaiming.
    December 28, 2017
    I'm back. It would be nice to see if this is worth $4.99/mo. Since the Internet exploded 2005 onward, I've been afraid to write anything for fear of discovery. My job hunted me - like they had nothing else to do, pfft. Opinions I had dragged me into his office, while board members' kids had…
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