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oops..=) Update.

January 20, 2014
Oh my goodness..I certainly didn’t intend to not write for so long! I started writing an entry about a hundred times it seems, then would get distracted and by the time I got back to it, it happened so long ago that I didn’t bother keeping it, lol. Silly, I know. But I&...
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Recent Entries

  • 3 weeks! And a mommy fail. =(
    November 21, 2013
    The kiddos are napping, so I have a minute to write!   It was a tough week..with one huge, giant mommy fail.  I had a lot of tough days when Emily was an infant and I remember crying with her at night many a times, but that hasn't been the case at all this time.…
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  • Doing good!
    November 17, 2013
    I'm writing this on my phone, so it probably won't be the longest entry, but at least I'll get something down!   Everything is going great.  I still can't believe how easy Caden is.  He had a "fussy" day a few days ago..which was like an extremely good day for Emily at hi...
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  • 2 weeks!
    November 12, 2013
    Caden is two weeks old today! He had a doctor's appointment this morning and had the second dreaded heel prick test. He cried for the first five seconds and then just snuggled into me the rest of the time. I'm glad it wasn't too bad for him.  I was really worried we were going to h...
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  • Caden’s Birth Story w/ Pics
    November 8, 2013
    Our beautiful baby Caden arrived as planned on October 30 at 8:00am on the dot. He was 7lbs, 10oz! I was so sure he would be above 8lbs, but he came out smaller than Emily was! That shocked me. What also shocked me is all of his dark, dark brown hair. =) He is absolutely ...
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  • *sigh*
    October 23, 2013
    Well, I've been writing entry after entry and unable to post them.  I signed on to ProseBox a while back just to secure this diary name, and I officially logged into it for the first time since and started trying to find everyone from here there.  I couldn't find all of if you'r...
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  • 38 weeks & Maternity Pics
    October 17, 2013
    *Okay, I wrote all of this on Monday and it won't let me get on very well on my phone anymore, so I actually pulled out the laptop to get it down.  It's Friday now and I turned 38 weeks on Wednesday!  12 more days. =)  Here's what I wrote Monday:   I’m ali...
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  • 34 weeks! Pics
    September 18, 2013
    34 weeks!! I feel like this is going to be the longest six weeks of my life. =) I actually feel pretty darn good, I’m just ready for it to be over because of the physical limitations it’s giving me as far as being the mom I want to be.  The last two weeks actually…
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  • 32 weeks
    September 5, 2013
      I wonder if everyone else is having as much trouble logging on to OD this week as I am?  Hopefully the glitch will be fixed soon.   So I’m 32 weeks pregnant now!  I had a quick doctor’s appointment yesterday and everything was good.  My blood pressure was pr...
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  • 32 weeks
    September 5, 2013
    I wonder if everyone else is having as much trouble logging on to OD this week as I am?  Hopefully the glitch will be fixed soon.   So I’m 32 weeks pregnant now!  I had a quick doctor’s appointment yesterday and everything was good.  My blood pressure was pretty lo...
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