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well, this is curious…

April 12, 2020
It's funny, but i guess not surprising that i came back to this diary. its funny because the last time I felt like writing here the site had been shut down and there was only a notice saying opendiary is done. Another funny thing is that when I looked back at my older entries it…
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Recent Entries

  • got nothing figured out
    June 19, 2013
    I’m going to be 25 years old soon (in about a month) and, I must say; for where I am in life, I’m a little worried. I have a bachelor’s degree in philosophy which does not get me anywhere and a failed attempt at law school which diminishes my chances of getting into other grad&h...
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  • Well, lets start over…
    June 11, 2013
    I can't believe I started this diary 7 years ago when I was in high school... as I read back on a few of my old entries I notice a whole lot of me is just the same. two degrees and a few years later, I'm just the grown more tamed version of the confused…
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  • New Chapter
    December 3, 2009
    I don't have the time to write very much, there are essays that need to be written and done by Monday, but I remembered that I had this diary last night, and it's been almost 2 years since i touched it... anyways i think i might come back and write more, a few things have…
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  • Give me a reason (to give you a reason)
    March 9, 2007
    The subject of this entry shall be the fact that I have realized giving reasons or excuses for something I have done or shall be doing is futile. For that matter also something I have not done or do not want to do should be treated the same. Although I might move off subject for…
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    February 27, 2007
    To the amazement of our dear old friends we have once more become something of a mystery. It is very unclear where this new personality came from, but I would guess my new exercising habits have triggered it. It is not astonishing to me that such dramatic changes have occurred in my personality f...
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  • Nothing is clear
    January 29, 2007
    I never get to talk and I never know to shut-up. I never get to say what I really want to say. For a while I use to be able to just keep it all in my head and those were happy times those were the times when I could just laugh at people and…
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  • A Lesson To Die For
    December 28, 2006
    Today I got one of the most amazing lessons on human behavior from my beloved grandmother. Not to say that it was wrong, but it was a thing to make the hopeless even more irritated. I've been asked constantly by all the members of my family about my relationship with a certain friend. This friend...
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  • INDIVIDUALITY, it’s All The Rage, For Now Anyways
    December 10, 2006
    Everywhere I look there is something that’s telling me to be myself, to be an individual. It’s driving me crazy, and I believe I have tackled this issue before, but with a different approach. On television there are commercials telling us to be ourselves, am I the only one who sees th...
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  • The Bigger Problem
    December 10, 2006
    I just remembered something that I wanted to write in here, and had specifically written it down in my note book not to forget. Wouldn’t you know that’s exactly what I did for a whole week, but now to the actual entry: Isn’t it funny how some only concern themselves with whateve...
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