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4 months

April 23, 2012
Wow, I have a four month old daughter, that still blows my mind just a little bit! I don't have much time to write, baby finally sleeping and will be up at least 3 times before up for the day at 6am so I have to go get some rest. But I wanted to share…
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Recent Entries

  • Addie’s Birth Story- December 19, 2011
    January 11, 2012
    Although I did live updates via my husband's facebook page, I didn't write Addie's birth story until about two weeks later. Of course time being limited in terms of getting online these days (aside from my iphone to facebook during nursing marathons!) I am just posting it here...
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  • 41+2 weeks
    December 13, 2011
    So I haven't written in a while... though I surely could have, there has been a lot of emotional work going on in my head. Mostly just role transition stuff, but also some coworker dynamics stuff, and learning about some of the less developed areas of my psyche that aren't always attractive ...
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  • Another chapter, and with it another transition.
    July 1, 2011
    Let's start this entry off by saying that today I am sad. Sad and feeling somewhat less than vindicated for what is really self imposed martyrdom, in a sense. But before I get to that part of my thoughts and feelings, perhaps a little background. Jack left town Thursday. He's moving to Ontario, t...
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  • Another milestone(s)
    June 7, 2011
    So I'm 14+2 weeks along today. Apologies for this post as it will be brief, apparently between work, the masters and Jack moving at the end of the month my brain is completely fried, I feel like I barely have time to fart let alone have thoughts and feelings about what pregnancy means to me ...
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  • 8 weeks
    April 24, 2011
    Well so far, so good! Things seem to be progressing well; I've not had any pregnancy related complications (as in spotting etc.) but man, the morning sickness and bowel troubles (TMI I know) have been the worst of it. I'm not taking Diclectin this pregnancy, I know the researc...
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  • Milestone #2.
    April 1, 2011
    So beyond getting the positive home pregnancy test as an obvious milestone, unfortunately my own experience has caused me to see other milestones at times when most other people would still be in a blissfully happy state of newly pregnant-esqueness. Today marks the length of how long we got to be...
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  • Well, well, well.
    March 29, 2011
    I really do like telling stories, I must admit. Maybe it comes from my Scottish and Irish heritage, maybe it is a way that I make sense or gain meaning from the things in life that startle, amaze or confuse and challenge me. In any case, I do love a good story as a way of marking a...
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  • End of Masters Degree Paper…
    March 5, 2011
    ... is sucking the life out of me. Seriously. I was upset for about 1 day when I got my period instead of a positive pregnancy test this month. Why? Because there's nothing sadder than my current master's paper experience going on. It's that bad. Phone conference with prof tomorrow will deci...
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  • Of Lions and Lambs…
    February 11, 2011
    I'm feeling WAY better since writing here a few weeks ago. I think with my period comes a HUGE hormone shift, and although I've been a woman for a long time, most of those years were with 21 day hormones and 7 days off instead of the natural every 7 days shift, and mentally it is an&hel...
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