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Away From Prying Eyes

April 14, 2002
it's hard to let goof something you never held on tonever could quite reach itnot close enough to touch itit's hard to say goodbyeto something you've never said hello toalways waiting for the momentwhen it will come to youit's hard to turn your backon something you've never turned toyou were too ...
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Recent Entries

  • Candle Burning In The Night
    September 13, 2001
    A Candle Burning in the NightBurning Candle,Firey light,To show hope burning,For all those we know,And those we don't.A prayer on our lips,Tears in our eyes,Sorrow in our hearts.Pretty candle,Burning for them,Lead them home.This candle is for all of those who have been hit by this tragedy. For th...
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  • *Screams In Frustration*
    September 12, 2001
    WHEN WILL EVERYONE GROW UP!?!number one: you can get arrested by telling someone you are going to kill them. It's called uttering death threats.number two: people, if you don't like what people say in their diaries, don't read them.number 3: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anyth...
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  • Go Pea!
    September 9, 2001
    all the people who were outside understand...pea, i'll fill you in later.anyways, i figured i'd write just to let you all know i'm still alive.WAHOO!Anyways, i'll write more later...*cause binka is tired*buh bye
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  • Back To School…part 2
    September 5, 2001
    you know, it's funny, as much as i complain about being in school, and it's only been the second day, and I have tons of homework already...I AM HAPPY!Call me crackhead, i know. But for once, I don't feel like I'm sitting around getting fatter than i already am. I'm really happy that i don't…
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  • About The Last Entry
    September 3, 2001
    yes, it was about Justin Timberlake and J.C. Chasez...from *NSYNCretards...
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  • How Do You Like Them Apples?
    September 3, 2001
    I like them just fine.Anyways, last night, steven came over, and then Pea came over. We watched Elton John/some gay ass movie that was pretty funny. Anyways, Stevie left, and then Laura got to my house as soon as Pea's daddy came...which was funny cause Pea's daddy gave Laura a ride to my house. ...
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  • Back To School~Adam Sandler
    September 3, 2001
    Oh, back to schoolBack to schoolTo prove to dad that I'm not a foolI've got my lunch packed upMy shoes tied tightI hope I don't get in a fightOh back to schoolback to schoolBack to schoolBack to school today...Yuck!
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  • OMG!
    September 2, 2001
    I found this in someone's diary, i can't remember who...sorry to that person. Anyways, I thought you would all enjoy it, especially pea.Justin ran his hand down JC’s side.He was sleeping. JC sleeps a lot.Justin sighed softly, his fingers tracing the marks in JC’s skin. He didn’t mean to grip him ...
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  • Waiting
    September 1, 2001
    Yes, still waiting for you people to leave me a note...obviously people don't check their emails.Can someone in my crew do me a favor? Write in their diary that I need everyone to leave me a note cause i can't go looking for everyone, my comp is too crappy!thanks,beccaP.S. thanks to christina, en...
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