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Long Time, No See

March 15, 2018
Well hello there! It's been awhile. Last time I was here I had just finished my freshman year of high school and now I am a sophomore in college. Oh how things have changed since then. So far I only have access to my last ten entries and ten on another diary I had here…
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Recent Entries

  • My Faith is a Waste of Time?
    December 29, 2013
    *EDIT* I changed the title from "My Religion is a Waste of Time?" to "My Faith is a Waste of Time?" because I don't really want to call it my "religion" as religion is not what I am about. My goal is to pursue a loving relationship with God, and that is something so ...
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  • Feeling That Sinking Feeling
    December 28, 2013
    On Christmas, my family went over to my grandparents house to have lunch and open presents from that side of the family. My great grandpa,  my grandmas dad, was there as well. He is 92 years old. He doesn't understand a lot and has a hard time hearing, so for most of the time he…
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  • Untitled and Unfinished
    September 14, 2013
    I'm in the process of being fixed But that means I'm still broken Spend all my time hoping For some kind of token   That tells me I've made it I'm through There's not much more to do   Just cross the road  You're almost home   But that road stretches for miles As far…
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  • Goodbye Summer, Hello School
    September 2, 2013
    Well, I start school tomorrow. It will be my sophomore year of high school. It's hard to believe I won't be the baby freshman anymore! This summer was amazing, but I am so excited to take on this school year. I am taking AP Psych, which I am happy beyond belief about. I will also…
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  • Jacob
    August 31, 2013
    So there's this guy. And I really like him. But I don't want to. Reasons why: 1. He doesn't like me that way 2. He's kind of immature 3. He is a really good friend and I don't want to ruin that. BUT 1. He is sweet 2. He is funny 3. He is extremely…
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  • Random Thoughts At 1:00 A.M.
    August 16, 2013
    If I were rich, I would have a room that had a huge, and I mean HUGE, blanket fort, and on one wall there would be a projector screen to watch movies. The entire floor would have a layer of mattresses, then a layer of pillows in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Then there would…
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  • Alone
    August 9, 2013
    I know that I have people in my life who care about me, but I can't help but feel so alone. There are people who JUST started going to my youth group and already are always invited to every little thing, yet I'm not.  A group of 6 girls went out to watch the lightning,…
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  • A Prayer Request – Change Is Hard
    August 4, 2013
    A little background for this entry: My dad has been a pastor (leader of a church) for my entire life. He's pastored about 5 churches. Some he was the church planter, others he was just a fill in pastor. But all of them we all invested a lot into the churches. Every time we have…
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  • Best Friend
    July 26, 2013
    I get to see my best friend for the first time in two years (I saw her for a couple hours last year but I don't really count that). Words can't explain how excited I am. This week will be amazing, I just know it <3 Just 14 hours left. I don't know how I…
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