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Dude, try to remember I’m a person

February 5, 2014
I’m on a lot of sites and mobile apps for meeting guys.  Some of them are “traditional” dating sites.  Some of them bill themselves for “flirting and chatting.”  A few are unapologetic hookup sites (and apps that don’t call themselves hookup apps...
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Recent Entries

  • On Jennifer Roback More’s recent interview
    February 3, 2014
    [Content Note:  hostility to agency] I’m reading the recent interview with Jennifer Roback Morse in the National Catholic register and I just have to shake my head. Let’s go over some of the more…interesting statements. When asked about the injuries caused by the sexual re...
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  • Cook’s Corner: Hamburger Rice Skillet
    January 31, 2014
    As I have a pretty well stocked freezer (as in I have enough entrees to last me at least two months, if not three or four), I’ve decided to take a bit of a break from the heavy duty cooking.  However, I also decided that I wanted to do something special for lunch, so I…
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  • Anti-gay rhetoric and immature morality
    January 30, 2014
    Thanks to TWitter user @DeekyMD, I became aware of the following “response” to “Same Love” by Christian rapper Bizzle: There’s a lot I could say about this video, a lot which is quite exemplary of religiously-motivated anti-gay sentiment at large.  I could talk ...
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  • Warmer weather brings thoughts of walks
    January 30, 2014
    It's already 34F (11C) this morning. I think it was a couple degrees earlier when I started my car to come into the office. As I've been doing, I started before I fixed breakfast. Back when we were in the single-digit temperatures (and even lower wind chills), that gave my car' s heater just enou...
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  • Such a superficial attempt to show one cares
    January 28, 2014
    Over at Right Wing Watch, Brian Brian Tashman reports on Tea Partier Selena Owens’s reaction to the Grammy awards.  His post is titled “Prove You’re Not Homophobic By Complimenting Your Lesbian Store Clerk’s Haircut,” which helps draw attention to this part of O...
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  • Looks like I got back just in time for the end.
    January 26, 2014
    I'm rather disappointed to read the announcement about OD shutting down.  I just came back here a little over a week ago because I missed the community feel this place often has.  Plus, I'll admit that this place will always feel special to me as the place where I started blogging....
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  • Spiritual Questions: Life after death?
    January 23, 2014
    Over the weekend, my eighteen year old niece contacted me to ask me a bunch of questions for an AWANA project.  I found the questions interesting, if a little simplistic (and maybe slanted), but I did the best I could to give her short, somewhat simplified answers.  I’ve decided t...
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  • Heard from my GP today
    January 22, 2014
    So today was a pretty good day today.  I woke up and my blood glucose was 69.  (Insert juvenile laugh here.)  It's not usually that low, though it's almost always below 90.  It's a good thing I showered last night so I could get right around and have breakfast this morning.&nb...
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  • Spiritual Questions: What is your purpose?
    January 22, 2014
    Over the weekend, my eighteen year old niece contacted me to ask me a bunch of questions for an AWANA project.  I found the questions interesting, if a little simplistic (and maybe slanted), but I did the best I could to give her short, somewhat simplified answers.  I’ve decided t...
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