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Ships log: Stardate 8/16/2009

August 25, 2009
This is an update and most likely my last entry...   I have stumbled across many old friends in the past year, some from all the way back to HS and I like to use this as a way of telling folks what I have been doing for the past 10-15 years of my life...…
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Recent Entries

  • I’m in Heaven!!!
    February 5, 2007
         I have just moved into my own apartment. Its been 10 years since I've had my own place. Woo Hoo!!!   I just spent the last week buying furniture(got a free new Queen size bed! Woo Hoo! My legs don't hang off the end!), small appliances, housewares( new Farberware!)&n...
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  • You must be stupid! Not really…
    July 17, 2006
                                                Who joins cults and why....   &nb...
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  • I quit!!!
    July 5, 2006
                    I am giving up my quest for God and am going to let Him find me. Hell, He already knows where I am. He aint lost! I am! So Im going to embark on a journey to find myself and its got nothing to do with geography!...
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  • Continuing my search…
    December 5, 2005
                  ...for the place to belong.  I am moving from Ganas for 3 months or maybe more depending on what peace I find at .  Im going home to my Folks in Madison for 10 days and then f...
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  • Restoration…
    November 22, 2005
    Ive taken on a new moniker and changed my email to reflect it.... My old email was exyathed. Yathed means spike or tent peg, firmly grounded holding down the tent of the Lord.                    I no longer wante...
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  • Exit Counseling and reintroduction…
    September 18, 2005
            As I surfed the web for secular intentional communities, and there are 100s of them,  I found Meadow haven and Wellsprings.  Wellsprings is more of a triag...
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  • Pikes Peak, close to heaven…
    September 17, 2005
                    Manitou Springs, which is nestled in at the base of Pikes peak, is a sleepy little artsy town were the "big money" hasnt come in and turned it into a playground for the rich yet. The residents hav...
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  • The swowhmps of FLA…
    August 20, 2005
    So, here I am sitting in Rutland "cut off ". To be cut-off means you are not connected to God or His people. You can choose to do this voluntarily, say for instance you disagree with a teaching or some action of the community and need time to consider how your thoughts are wrong and&hel...
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  • “Shopping” for a wife…
    August 14, 2005
    I got a ride up to Rutland with some disciples that were going to a accelerated EMT course. They have a little business called "Peace Maker Medical". The Peace Maker is there double decker bus, the "Oseh Shalom" which says on the back "We'll take you home, we know th...
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