In the armpit of the bible belt you stumble upon a:
30 something
Mom for 11 years to a shy, beautiful old soul, with the heart of an artist
Wife of 6 years to a guitar strumming, pizza eating, extroverted, man child...
who was desperately looking for an outlet, so she decided to publish her sloppy thoughts and messy life for the world to see.
Welcome to my utopia...

Latest Entry

Be My Friend or I’ll Die

February 12, 2018
"It turns out, solid friendships have an impact on our health, just like smoking, getting enough sleep and eating well. Some studies have found that a lack of friendships can increase our mortality rate " --Emily Morgan I want to be drunk on relativity.   I quit smoking on Sept 14th 2017, I ...
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Recent Entries

  • Quick Notes, 5:30am musings
    February 12, 2018
    "My life needs editing."--Morth Sahl   My alarm is set for 6:30a but my cats are hungry at 5:30a. I do some really interesting thinking at 5:30a when the house is quiet and everything is dark.  If I have had any dreams those are usually my first thoughts. (I will start typing those up for yo...
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  • She Get It From Her Mama
    February 9, 2018
    If you're still here, I appreciate it, truly. 😍 If you're new here, hey there. 🤓 I was terrified of making people mad until about 4 months ago...stick with me...or don't, it's your life 💁 "And should she choose to be a Mother one day, be my eyes, Lord, that I may see her, lying on a blanket…
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  • Asset 6
    Dads, amirite?
    February 8, 2018
    "I stopped loving my father a long time ago. What remained was the slavery to a pattern." --Anais Nin I was terrified of making people mad until about 4 months ago...stick with me...or don't, it's your life 💁 As a child I was meek but social. My dad left us when I was 4 and my…
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