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So Long, Farewell

September 26, 2007
As one of my favourites pointed out, I am no longer an escort. But that's what this entire diary has been about, and that's who it was for. I have a full-time job that's going to lead to opportunities to pursue what I actually studied in school: marketing. My income is steady and legitimate, I&he...
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Recent Entries

  • There’s Something About Army Boys…
    September 23, 2007
    I started my newest job this week, and starting a new job, as usual, comes with meeting all your new coworkers - in this case, 250 people spread out over a small city-square block-sized area. One of whom happens to be a guy in another department who is in the Canadian military reserves and has&he...
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  • Don’t Take It So Personally
    September 5, 2007
    Yesterday I was hanging around outside with the guys at work during a slow part of the night (most of the night was slow, but that's another story), and one of my bosses turned to me and asked me for the second week in a row how my weekend went.  For the second week in…
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  • Okay, How Do I Date Men?
    August 24, 2007
    Not that I'm all that great at actually "dating" women or transfolks either, but I'm just saying... I'm not even actually sure how to get the ball rolling on this, because I don't actually *know* very many men.  The men in my life consist of: OpenDiary friends, my brothers and my d...
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  • Not Interesting When I’m Getting My Shit Together
    August 19, 2007
    Yeah, quick disclaimer: if I haven't commented on your diary in a while it's because I don't really have internet access these days - I use paid internet stations at corner stores and occasionally get a chance to use friends' computers for brief amounts of time, usually to look for work and stay ...
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  • Ambitious Ambitions
    July 30, 2007
    I wrote an entry last August about things I need to do but haven't... seeing as it seriously helped me reach some concrete goals, I figure it's worth doing again, at least on an annual basis. So, here we go... 1.  Learn to use design programs (well), ie: Photoshop, InDesign, Pagemaker, Dream...
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    July 23, 2007
    Challenge received from obscenelesbian - 10 things that means something to me that start with the letter "R".  And by the way, this was significantly harder than I thought it would be! If you want to play along, leave me a note and I'll pass you a letter to play with! -------------...
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  • Greatest Aspirations?:
    July 19, 2007
    I aspire... to complete a university education to own property in the city in which I was born to live a lifestyle balanced in exciting adventures and meditative self-care to be a successfully self-employed entrepreneur, on my own terms to live a healthy lifestyle - eating well, exercising, and t...
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  • I Do Surveys When I Have Office Jobs…
    July 17, 2007
    This one "borrowed" from Riquita - with the removal of questions I found boring or lame.  Thanks gal, this one's a good one.  ;) Introspection.The Soul. Do you consider yourself kind?: Yes. Do you consider yourself moral?: I consider myself to follow my own moral code, but I'm...
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  • It’s Weird When Your Friends Get Married
    July 11, 2007
    Catching up over coffee (well, tea and water) with a friend I hadn't seen in about a year and a half, we talked a bit of personal, then a lot of business, and then went back to the personal when we found we had about two minutes left before her wife would turn the corner…
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