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Oh my.

January 28, 2014
Well. It seems an obligatory goodbye is in order. Sometimes I wonder, is it better to just walk away, or is it better to face up to things and say your final respects.... I tend to be a walker awayer. But I also tend to like closure. So here I am. Although this isn't really go...
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Recent Entries

  • (x-post) Week One, Done!
    August 10, 2013
    Well. I finished my first week on 3-11's. Wow are they different than 11-7. I mean, obviously the kids are awake for the majority of the shift. That's one major difference. And with that difference comes all kinds of chaos. I feel unbalanced, but every day is a bit better. I mostly learn the rule...
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  • Shadow
    July 27, 2013
    Well, I start shadowing for my new position on Wednesday. I will shadow Wed, Thurs, and the following Wed (I think), and then I'm off and running (eek). I did end up losing $3.90/hr, but I can live with that. I think I got the highest salary I could get, starting out. And I'm already si...
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  • Movin’ on up….
    July 21, 2013
    So. It looks like I'm in for another big change. A few weeks ago, one of the Clinical Supervisors at work asked me if I'd consider coming to days on his unit. This is the same guy that, at the end of my training said I was a waste of good skill on night shift.…
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  • The Bathtub
    July 5, 2013
    My view right now Sitting in my favourite cafe (the only cafe) watching the world go by outside the window. Let me rewind a few days. My internet died suddenly on Wednesday. I thought it was maybe just a glitch in something, so I restarted everything and waited and did it again and let it si...
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  • 146am
    June 20, 2013
    So. My supervisor just informed me that kindles are now banned from work. WTF!! Apparently someone on nite shift lost theirs and told administration, who until then was unaware they'd been in use. So no more kindle. This is going to make my job suck. :( it was so convenient, to have as many books...
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  • Park south
    June 11, 2013
    So, I finally programmed one of the "favourites" list on my direct tv (previously the only channel I had in it was USA, so I could easily find Law & Order SVU). Now I have a dozen channels, ranging from The Women's Channel to Spike. I might actually watch more tv now. Which would be...
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  • Catching Fire
    June 8, 2013
    I'm in the mood to write, but have nothing to write about. I'm at work and I just finished the first book of The Hunger Games and started the second, but I think I want to let the first sink in a bit, ya know....savor it. Hmmm the kindle says I spelled savor wrong. And that I…
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  • VSQ
    June 7, 2013
    Weeee. Worked last nite and then drove to La's this morning. Had a lovely 4hr chat session, covering topics from Monsonto (or however you spell it) to the purpose of cicadas to the the parceling gayness into so many categories and when will it end to gun ownership. She just got a gun from her&hel...
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  • let’s see if this works….
    June 5, 2013
      The silence tonite is a bit mindnumbing. I decided to try and write a real entry with Evernote. So far it's ok, I'm getting used to the dumb autocorrection of the program. It is a bit frustrating having to pick out the letters one by one, but if I use two fingers instead of…
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