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Just BLAH!

September 10, 2013
I need to spend more time writing. I have so many thoughts, words, stories and random conversations dancing around in my head, I find myself literally talking to myself out loud.   It’s no wonder people think I am I crazy.   Maybe I’ll just put a block of time...
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Recent Entries

  • Moving Blues
    August 25, 2013
    For those people who truly know me…they would tell you I am adventurous.   They would tell you I break the rules.  They would say I am bold, brassy, and a no nonsense kind of girl.  They would tell you it’s impossible to pin me down because I am always up to somet...
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  • Crazy
    July 24, 2013
     Soooooo….. I think I’m the lucky recipient of my family’s bi-polar, manic depressive, or whatever other psychological bullshit that runs in my family’s genes.   Last year I started experiencing anxiety like there was no tomorrow.   One minute I w...
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  • Stood UP!!!
    July 12, 2013
    Is this dude SERIOUSLY FREAKING KIDDING ME? So I have this friend Daryl who I hang out with here and there. He's a good guy and I'd date him but he's a SERIOUS push over and I consider it a problem that my balls are bigger than his and technically I don't have any!!!! Anyway,…
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  • Messy Men…
    July 3, 2013
    So about a year ago, a friend of mine added me to a Facebook group.   For the most part the room was full of  ignorant, gossiping messy folks.  I hung around for about thee weeks before leaving.  I just couldn't take it any more.   I did however "friend"  a...
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  • Fat Ass
    June 25, 2013
     Doc gave me a clean bill of health with the exception of beings severely overweight.  No diabetes, no high blood pressure, no thyroid issues, kidneys are good, cholesterol levels are good.  EVERY freaking thing has checked out well.    So I guess this is my sign to get i...
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  • Buffalo Hump
    June 19, 2013
    So you can now call me Quazimoto or Igor.  Ok, maybe I am being a bit dramatic...... Two years ago I formed what I thought was a knotted muscle on the top of my back between my shoulder blade.  Sometimes it swells up to the size of a fist, but most days its golf ball…
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  • It’s been a while…..
    June 19, 2013
    I cant believe I still remembered my password to get in's been a long time. I miss OD.  I think about my diary daily. There was a time where I couldn't wait to get in here and write.  Then something happened and I stopped coming.  I dont even know what tha...
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  • I’m back…I promise I am… really!!!!!
    February 7, 2010
    So, I come back to OD two weeks ago to say  "I"M BACK" but then haven't been back since.  UGH!  I can't stand it. I am honestly going to try to get here every other day to write.  I dearly miss it.  It feels so much better to get th...
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  • Just whatever
    January 17, 2010
    My weekend was entirely uneventful. I 'm tired, did NOT get enough sleep and want to go home rather than be at work. Still having thoughts of seeking revenge on Marcus.  (LONG story.................)  but the bastard deserves pain and suffering for life. On a happy note, Kendr...
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