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Okay, so it’s been 4 years or so, no big deal.

April 15, 2011
I seperated from the military last year, and now have 2 precious little girls that are my pride and joy. I decided once i got done with my obligation to Uncle sam to go back to school for radiation science. My wife and i bought a house last year, the neighborhood is a little cramped,…
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Recent Entries

  • feelin empty at the end of the day and unfulfilled
    November 2, 2007
    So i'm workin nights now and my sleep schedule is all jacked up...i go to sleep around 7 am and wake up around 2 30ish pm....go to work at 5 pm get off around 7 am...repeat...   anyway, there's nothing to do at night except go shopping at a extremely small line in walmart or…
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  • nobody…(ramble)
    September 13, 2007
    Well nobody reads this anymore or even does OD on my friends list...and there's really nobody i can talk to that really gives a damn to hear whats in some sort of theraputic type deal i'ma write, and hope i feel better when i'm done. Okay so here goes nothing, so i'm in this…
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  • Been a long time
    January 20, 2007
    So i joined the US Airforce! Left for boot camp sept. 29th 06.....graduated November 10th and now i'm in tech school. I grad. tech school on March 1st and head to my first base! I'm psyched !
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  • Constitution and the Bible
    April 23, 2006
    Today in my Constitutional Law class, we had a quite disturbing debate between the seperation of church and state... (didn't know where to put this topic so feel free to move it if u wish) We started out discussing a case in Alabama where a judge was basically ordered to take down the 10 commandm...
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  • NSU wins by 1 !!!!
    March 16, 2006
    WE BEAT IOWA  STATE 64-63!!!!! we had the lead in the first quarter 21-20 for about 10 seconds and didn't get the lead back until the last 3 seconds of the about intense!
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  • Class induces thought….and challenges
    February 13, 2006
    So i'm in my Juvenile Dilenquency class, and somewhere during the lecture we start talkin about chemical imbalances and sciences role in influencing behavior.  Well not that this has anything to do with Juvenile Dilenquency But...according to Dr. Sopolsky (Stanford Neurologist) all supernatu...
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  • Mortality is an issue
    January 26, 2006
    Well, I have been able to sleep soundly, or at a decent time for the past 2 weeks and the thought of dying has been ringing in my head.  I'm not to sure why, I guess it could be because of all this academy stuff i'm going through.  They've been giving us alot of scare…
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  • I start the Sheriff’s Academy Monday
    January 18, 2006
    Yes ladies and gents...i'm goin off to buy my Ruger 40. soon as my grandparents get her wit some doe.  Glad they pulled through for me in the clutch. My roommates dad is gonna hook me up with a (rig)...that's your belt and everything in it...for all you folks that don't know.  Goin to m...
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  • Something to think about
    January 6, 2006
    Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing, and perfect will. 1 Timothy 4: 12-15 12. Let no one look down on your youthfulness, b...
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