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Journey South in the Shadow of Pain..

August 4, 2007
Well I've returned.. I was down in the South of Ireland with my friend..  We had a good trip.. it was an interesting time getting 2 know him again.. he's been away in Malasyia and China for 2 and a half years.. so he's changed somewhat.. and so have I.. In the middle of all…
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Recent Entries

  • Circling the Void..
    July 27, 2007
    Twas the night after the movie and all through the house, not a sound was stirring not even my folks...  It was into this silence that my thoughts crashed and roared, my heart sank and cowered and the darkness soared.. Hunted in my own mind, persued by my glaring failures and tormented by th...
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  • Darkness stirrs..
    March 8, 2007
    The darkness stirrs and the shadows leap.. there is something moving out there just beyond sight... Its a thief come 2 steal my dreams.. its a criminal come 2 destroy my hope...  This is the time of the winnowing.. the time of the shreading of paper dreams and thining of false hopes..  ...
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  • What to say…
    March 6, 2007
    What to say that is the question... its been ages and ages since I wrote anything on here.. well at least since i wrote anything on the public part of my diary.. hehe I'm now the manager of store i work in.. happy days.. :)  i'm getting my college work done at the min.. great…
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  • Distress and much vexation
    August 27, 2006
    There is a challange 2 the gospel.. but some people don't see it.. or feel it.. or believe it.. Mat 10:34 - 39 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and…
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  • Tripping the light fantastic..
    July 26, 2006
    Well I've made a few decisions and one of them incorporates writting on here more often..  hehe Anyone I may have mentioned this diary to in the past have hopefully lost interest and now I can once again return to the unknown writter statis that we all enjoy on here.  There is a comfort...
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  • And God remembered…
    May 26, 2006
    It should be pointed out that God does not forget like we do.. we’re only human and blown about by any force of imagination or distracted by anything that seems shinney and new.. or vaguely entertaining..  we remark on how easily we forget things.. and how quickly time flies… &l...
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  • typical Irishman.. hehe
    May 5, 2006
    Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on their faces.The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened."First body: Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure while making love to his mistress. Hence the enormous smile, Inspector," says the Coroner. &qu...
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  • Dreams and nightmares..
    April 9, 2006
    I had a dream once... when the earth was still young and all was easy and free.. when my heart had not been broken and everything was easy.. I had a dream once.. I knew comfort and security and never knew fear.... I had a dream once.. I was a foolish dream.. or maybe it…
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  • Eschatology Comment
    February 3, 2006
    Well it turned out that my essay was longer than I expected.. so i had 2 mess around with it.. I hope that someone enjoyed it all the same.. :) We have an eternal destiny... and the choice is up 2 us.. ¬Dreamer¬  
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