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Well, I’m back!

March 6, 2018
It took me a while, but I was finally able to reclaim my diary. Right after that happened, I also forgot about it because well... I haven't kept a diary since the original OD went down. I really hope to be able to reconnect with my favorites and see where we're at. So here are…
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Recent Entries

  • winter has finally arrived
    December 9, 2013
     well, after months and months of temperatures in the 80s, winter has finally arrived in Austin. It's been below freezing for the past 2.5 days, but today it's supposed to get up to 46 degrees. Rich and I have both been sick for the past 4 days. Fortunately we bought a fancy sectional sofa i...
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  • hey OD!
    September 10, 2013
    so, I know that I don't write here very often... it's sad, kinda, because I actually open this site and read it almost every day. I do have a lot of things going on; I've been really busy with a few different things. I'm still teaching yoga and have settled in to my class schedule…
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  • an even better routine
    February 28, 2013
     I'm fully settled in to my teaching schedule, and it's great to have that routine as a foundation for everything else. I put in my notice at my retail job, but they refused to accept it. Instead we worked out a way for me to work there and not be completely annoyed by working there...…
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  • an even better routine
    February 28, 2013
     I'm fully settled in to my teaching schedule, and it's great to have that routine as a foundation for everything else. I put in my notice at my retail job, but they refused to accept it. Instead we worked out a way for me to work there and not be completely annoyed by working there...…
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  • back for more
    February 19, 2013
     I just spent a little time reading through my entries from my year in Washington DC and it's interesting to note how I mostly wrote when I was sick. Also: I have a cold right now! What are the odds!! On our first day in our condo in DC it was raining super hard. We…
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  • back in the groove
    August 29, 2012
     It's so good to be back... I can't get over it. Yesterday Rich and I went hiking at the Barton Creek Greenbelt for just over 2 hours and then went to Whole Foods for lunch. I like to play this game where I go to Whole Foods and wait to see how long it takes…
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  • Back in Austin
    July 18, 2012
     I'm so glad to be back in Austin! I wish I could have updated a little sooner but we didn't have internet until yesterday. So our new apartment is about half the size of the condo we were living in while we were in Washington DC... our second bedroom is just packed full of furniture…
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  • Things are happening
    June 11, 2012
         Wow, time is just flying by right now... I know I should be packing up my belongings but I keep putting it off. I do think that we'll have plenty of time to do it though, since I"ll be taking off a week before we move. We kept the boxes we moved up…
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  • More changes, more of the same
    June 2, 2012
     The down side of being married to someone who works as a term contract employee is that there is potential for lots of change with very little warning. Case in point: last week Rich showed up at Sephora and said "we need to talk."  Is there a worse way to begin a conversation...
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