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  • merry f@#$ing christmas…
    December 24, 2013
    just another day to argue over the same old shit, with the added fun of unrealistic expectations that everything might not suck.
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  • confr…
    November 11, 2013
    It pains me to think about how many professional conferences I attended before the invention of the sketchy location-based iPhone hookup app.
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  • complications…
    November 3, 2013
    Is there anything worse than when someone you LIKE fucks someone you HATE?Maybe when she fucks someone you hate, and his wife.There are so many things in this world I would like to un-know.
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  • casi completamente ficción (ix)
    July 5, 2013
    It felt good to be sitting on the other side of customs at the airport and even though he was still in Cuba, sitting with a pocketful of money all changed from CUC back into US dollars and seeing the planes on the runway made him feel like he was already back in the States.…
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  • casi completamente ficción (viii)
    July 2, 2013
    The bus ride from whereverthefuck Cuba back to Habana was long and crowded and made him feel unpleasant and sore. He decided his ears were tired of listening to Spanish and not understanding even half of it, so he decided to stop listening and put in some headphones just so nobody would try to ta...
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  • casi completamente ficción (vii)
    June 30, 2013
    He woke up two hours later and found that all the rum had caught up with him while he was sleeping, and when he stood up he felt unsteady and real bad. He lay back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling and tried to sober up just by force of will,…
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  • casi completamente ficción (vi)
    June 29, 2013
    He walked from his room with his steps feeling loose and free but not unsteady. If only there was a way to bottle this feeling so as you could hold onto it for as long as you wanted without getting too drunk or too sober. He figured someday someone might make a million dollars from…
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  • casi completamente ficción (v)
    June 28, 2013
    He looked in the mirror and decided that he looked a goddamned wreck from the bicycle taxi ride and that it was probably still too hot to start circling for a chica for the evening, so he turned on the air-conditioner and pulled off his shirt and poured himself a glass of rum that was…
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  • casi completamente ficción (iv)
    June 26, 2013
    Only when he walked out of that day's work meeting into the full heat of the sun did he realize how effective the breezy, louvered room had been. The sun at that latitude was just plain cruel, and he suddenly felt very pale and he felt as if his lips were becoming sunburnt after only…
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