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October 17, 2011
 Day is gone. The only time when I can breathe and smile without feeling heavy and fake. Without hands clenching my neck, suffocating me. Without this feeling in my chest. And a sinking in my heart. Night has come, and even on my most favorite of nights... with thunder and lightning to keep ...
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Recent Entries

  • I’m tired so let me be broken.
    August 28, 2011
    We talked about it so many times How, What, Who Broke it down, piece by piece, line by line. Dissected. But there's a differences between words and action.  And I was ready, but you weren't. Now I'm upset because you're upset. Everything is so fucked up. Like a blood stain on a white shirt, ...
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  • Empty
    July 19, 2011
    Everything is falling apart... Slipping through my fingers like sand. At least before I had a jar to catch it all in. Now it runs like water To the floor and swept away by the wind... Everything I care about is ruined or about to be. I used to think I could fix all this,…
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  • Drive Away.
    July 7, 2011
    The simmering sun faded to the darkest night sky... And the storm was brewing. I was caught in the middle,  in my little white car. Drops splattered the windshield, erasing a week of dust and grime... The engine growled and the tires whirred against wet pavement. Such a simple moment... But ...
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  • Toxic.
    June 8, 2011
    I used to think this was all my fault, that it was all in my head, that I made it this way.... Tore open scabbing wounds until they were new again, fresh and exposed. But slowly I'm realizing it was you too.... Every time I tried to escape your grasp, you did something to make…
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  • halfhearted goodbyes
    May 22, 2011
    I always knew this day would come... From the moment you walked into my life, I knew you'd be gone before I was ready to let you go.  You held me high for a while, both of us soaring on wings of amazing dreams. We were anything but typical, and you were everything I needed.…
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  • Way Away
    May 13, 2011
    Lately the world has been dark and dreary With only tears from the sky singeing flesh as they fell Yesterday was a long awaited relief from a watery hell.   The sun beat down on exposed flesh -- boiling skin and baking bones, and I welcomed it. I've longed for the heat...  For the ...
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  • there’s a lack of color here
    May 2, 2011
    A chill is creeping through the glass Slithering along the floor  and up my spine Bringing with it a darkness I haven't seen in months tingling, seething, and omnipresent.   I thought these days were over... days of being trapped in my head lost to a past I crave and a new life I can&he...
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  • I’d run from here if you’d promise to come with me
    April 26, 2011
     I'm trapped in two different worlds and yet neither one belongs to me. I used to feel as though I at least belonged to one of them but lately I feel as though that isn't true either.   I'm left empty and searching for something new. A new face to challenge the familiar. A beautiful&hel...
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  • I Swear This Time I Mean It
    April 17, 2011
    The night was perfect. Driving over while the sun still lit the earth... And leaving minutes before it rose. I had forgotten, because you let me forget. Kept me away with excuse after excuse.... and I understand. It's over now. You're back again. But it's not like before... I understand now.&nbsp...
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