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October 28, 2013
i think pretty much anyone who reads this i already have on facebook, but.. just in case, here's an update. not that anything new is going on. jace turned 3. i'm exhausted by him lately because every other thing i say to him is to stop doing various things to his sister. i'm hoping soon…
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Recent Entries

  • 06/21/2013
    June 20, 2013
    i think i'm done with OD. i know a lot of people write here for themselves, but that's not me. if i want to write for myself, i can use my personal journal application. and even just saying that, sounds really selfish. like i just write here for attention. and, i guess, maybe that's all…
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  • into the closet
    June 7, 2013
    this is going to sound really odd, but i'm seriously, seriously considering moving remi's crib into the closet under the stairs. harry potter, much?actually, it's fairly large under there, and she only has a mini crib so it'd be perfect. here's the thing: on the weekend, jeff stays up after work ...
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  • 06/05/2013
    June 4, 2013
    remi is five months today, i can't believe how fast it is all going this time. she likes to sit up on her own, she sleeps fairly well, she's way too interested in things around her to eat during the day... she seems quite extroverted. i don't remember jace being that interested in the world…
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  • 04/16/2013.
    April 15, 2013
    been feeling a little depressed lately. i've decided to move me and the kids to a regular schedule. i can't take going to bed in the middle of a lovely day any more. we're going to see my family in a week. my sister is coming home from her mission. once we go, then the…
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  • 30 day shred/exercise question
    April 1, 2013
    i want to get into the 30 shred again, just to tone up a bit. but my elbow is such a mess from breaking and this nerve compression that there is no way it will support me doing pushups. anyone know of some alternate moves i can do for those parts? i feel like i've…
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  • 03/26/2013
    March 25, 2013
    good lord, do government workers get some kind of jollies from being rude to us 'little people'?
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  • 3/25/2013
    March 24, 2013
    could a bus just hit me next?
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  • night.
    March 17, 2013
    few things sit in my mind and nag me quite as much as our schedule. every january, our time for church rotates. the last couple years, we have slept in the mornings because church was late. we moved in december and happened to be in a new church with late hours, too. it is horrendous…
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  • 03/03/2013
    March 2, 2013
    parents are all in town. remi is having her blessing tomorrow in church. we'll have everyone over for "lunch" (at 10 am..) at our house. it will be interesting to see if they all fit in here. my hand is killing me. i am so not thrilled with having surgery, but i'm more okay with…
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