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you still here…part 3

May 25, 2018 where was I? Oh yeah....people at my job. So, I literally go to lunch by myself....I don't have lunch with everyone. I was born by myself and I will die by myself! Everyone doesn't like me. But who cares? I know this because every time I say Good morning, or Hello, they say...hi...or goo...
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Recent Entries

  • your still here…part 2
    May 25, 2018
    Ok...where was I? oh right...I moved in with my sister out in Amityville, Long Island.  So, I was watching my nephews, Bryce, now 14 and Ethan, 11. It was cool but I was trying to get out!!! So, I was hanging out with a guy named Cisco...he was ok....he was Spanish and he loved to…
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  • MY DIARY is still HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    April 26, 2010
    OHHHHHHHHHHH  MYYYYYYYYY   GOOOOODDDDDNNNEESSSSS!!!!   I had No idea my diary was still here!!!! I have not been around for like a year and some change!!!! OMG I have missed you!!!! LOL....My Gosh!!! Sooo many things have happened to me!!! But unfortunately I am at work!!! But just...
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  • Guess What…???
    June 24, 2008
    I'm BACCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Did Yall Miss my azz??? Awwwww how sweet!!!! At least I think so....LOL...   So many things have happened.......let's see.....I got a new car!!!!! Did you see that??? Let me write that again......I GOT A NEW CAR....well...SUV!!! WOOO HOOO! I am a proud owner of a 20...
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    June 5, 2008
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  • SEX SEX SEX…….In the CITY, that is!!!!
    May 29, 2008
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  • OMG..I actually had FUN!!!
    May 26, 2008
    Helloooooooooooooo all...... I must say, I had a very nice weekend. It was BEAUTIFUL in New York for a change this holiday weekend!!! HooRRAAYYYYY!!   OK...first off...Let me see, Friday nothing really special happened...Me and the man went out for dinner, just the two of us. I love going ou...
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  • The Raisin in Milk…LOL!!
    May 18, 2008
    Hellooooooooooooo again....!! My parent's finally returned from there trip from Las Vegas and guess what...they didn't even apologize to me. I'm not even surprised. Oh..they did call me on Friday night...that is after I told my sister how I felt about them. I knew she would tell them. My dad call...
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  • I’ve had it…..
    May 14, 2008
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  • Just when you think you know people…
    May 12, 2008
    Yess........Just when you think you know some people, they turn out to be assholes... for real. I'm not naming any names...but come on....I've been knowing you for sometime now and then all of a sudden you turn on me???? Eww....don't you hate people like that.....Not cool. I can't even talk about...
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