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Maybe It’s Me

September 7, 2024
Dearest Sima, Am I delusional? Maybe don't answer that. I consulted with the new doctor to discuss my lab work. I chose this medical practice because of its specialties, but I am not convinced yet that it's the right place for me. I shared my concerns during our initial appointment that the root ...
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  • Four A.M. Coffee
    September 2, 2024
    Dearest Sima, Now that I am set on downsizing, I have this irresistible urge to purge everything. I've started a mental list of things that need to go, like my vanity. What's odd about this urge is that vanity was the first thing to pop into my mind. I adore that vanity! You know I…
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  • Stars & Planets
    August 30, 2024
    Dearest Sima, A storm-themed Halloween—that sounds incredible! I'll need photos and highlights of the local reactions. This year, I'm going with classic horror, maybe with a slight nod to film noir. I've heard on social media that my 15-year karmic cycle is ending soon. Does that mean I'll sudden...
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  • Shadows & Mirrors
    August 26, 2024
    Dearest Sima, I was clearing the attic today when I came across one of my old diaries. As I flipped through the pages, I couldn't help but think that the more things change, the more they stay the same. While I think I've grown and changed over the years, the words on those pages told…
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