My name is Dane G. Russ. I am a singer and a songwriter. I have been in a handful of bands...

The now defunct, Half-Step ( )

The back to the future, I Am Alpha ( )

And most recently, Dane and the Death Machine ( )

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  • 11/02/2013
    November 1, 2013
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  • 07/30/2013
    July 29, 2013
     I'm going back to not drinking until I figure my life out.   The very fact that I'm afraid to lose my crutch makes me believe it's the right move.
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  • 07/26/2013
    July 25, 2013
     Sometimes you have to laugh, or else this will all seem like it's serious.
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  • Black magic abortion.
    July 20, 2013
     So, I stopped talking to the ex fake girlfriend a few weeks ago, and on my birthday, last Wednesday, she shared the information that she had just taken a pregnancy test and has my seed growing inside of her.   She has also informed me that she sought the council of two sisters who are&...
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  • 07/11/2013
    July 10, 2013
     Nothing is real except the inevitable and I.
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  • 07/03/2013
    July 2, 2013
     pathological behavior. Over, and over...and over. To the point that I am sick of myself. And sick of talking about it...but, I'm keeping this thing alive. You know, for the future that won't come. Shut up, Dane.
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  • 06/29/2013
    June 28, 2013
    I am back with the ocean, La Mar. I am back with my cat, Pishi Jan. I will live and die a solitary social butterfly. And I am happy today because I know I am insane...and I wouldn't like it any other way.
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  • Fuck Facebook
    June 27, 2013
     I'm thinking of deleting my facebook on the notion that it inherently prevents me from being in the now. I think it aids depression, fosters instant nostalgia, and perpetuates an ideal image of life that no one is actually, the government is watching me.
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