heh heh I am such a dork. I thought you had to get this box by the links under diary maint. LMAO

Anyhoo--I will fill this box in in a few days....

Latest Entry

My website is live!

August 6, 2021
I's been a rough couple of weeks healthwise, but I finally published my website for Nocturnal Rose Creations! I don't have much listed on it yet though. As I said, rough week health wise! Good days and Bad days, as any one with a chronic invisable disease /diability will tell you. You can see my&...
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Recent Entries

  • Thoughts of an overtired wreck
    July 8, 2021
    Over tired. No, I don't mean I have 100 tires in my yard! I am still battling insomnia. I did finally fall asleep at 5am yesterday morning only to be woken up at 9:30am because my nurse was on her way over to give me my weekly infusion. I slept through most of it and…
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  • Insomnia, Insomnia… 
    June 25, 2021
    Oh how I hate thee... let me count the days... 1, 2, 3... Today makes 4 running on 6 hours of sleep. Well, not running, because I have a sprained ankle/foot. Maybe... Just maybe... The comfort of cats that just ran across my ankle in a burst of speed, will settle in around me and…
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  • In My Studio Pt. 2
    June 13, 2021
    Well, I one of my crosses fell apart when I was prepping them with pre-fire sanding. grr. I hate it when that happens! 3 crosses and the feather are in the kiln right now, ramping up to temp then it will hold for about 30 min and I will turn it off when it beeps…
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  • In My Studio!
    June 13, 2021
    😺 I am Jammin' out to The Prince Channel on SiriusXM!!! I am definitely a 70s & 80s child! I love new music as well, but I know all the Lyrics to 70s 80s and early 90s. Yes, I AM OLD! So old my inner goth won't be restrained hardly any more!!! (Thank you mom for the…
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  • A little help?
    June 10, 2021
    ok, how do I change my profile photo on here now?
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  • Asset 6
    June 10, 2021
    Greetings. I just renewed so I am going to try to make my move from FB back to the wonderful place I was happy living until OD announced they were closing its door. I cried as I was pulled down into the FB goo! now I amn back! here we go!   am going to…
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  • I’m Back!!
    March 19, 2020
    Hi everyone! It is so good to be back! I will be changing my email address and maybe my username. Oh, the fresh air of OD.... I feel like I am home!
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  • Made it Past the First bad day this month
    June 15, 2010
    All items © 2005 CAMElias/Dakk O'ta unless otherwise noted.
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  • End of May, already???
    May 25, 2010
    All items © 2005 CAMElias/Dakk O'ta unless otherwise noted.
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