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January 28, 2014
Hey usual, I took a nice little hiatus. I decided to do one last entry since OD is officially shutting down. I was going to write a huge entry about my last 13 years here, but I don't have it in me. Despite my decreasing number of entries over the years, I am sad…
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Recent Entries

  • Plan B
    September 3, 2013
    Hey Folks! Well, I didn't win the bridal boot camp contest, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that voted for me! I appreciate the support...some of you are going 12 years strong...amazing.  Sooo...what is Plan B? Chesty is working towards her personal trainer certification and decide...
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  • Bridal Boot Camp Contest – Need Your Vote!
    August 17, 2013
    Hi lovelies! I was chosen as one of 5 finalists for a bridal boot camp contest. The winner will receive a 4 month boot camp for herself and 3 bridesmaids. We are all interviewed by a local station last week and the winner is chosen by public vote. I could really use your help on…
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  • Change…
    June 4, 2013
    Hello Folks! I know some of you have been with me since Day 1 of my journey...and you're probably rolling your eyes at yet another change. Eh, what's life without change? LOL After struggling for the last several months, I made the decision to go back to Weight Watchers for awhile. Shocking, I kn...
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  • 04/03/2013
    April 2, 2013
    Wow...ok, I am really sucking at the updates! What happened to OD and our crazy desire to write daily? The good ol' days! Umm...I am not a consistent cavegirl at the moment. Nutrition has been spotty and workouts haven't been consistent. What does that mean? I am still trying to work off the rest...
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  • 02/05/2013
    February 4, 2013
    Hey Lovelies! I'm a tad bit late with the January update...please forgive. Things have been crazy lately (I say this like my life is EVER free of chaos). Let's get to it, shall we? Cavegirl Chronicles I didn't actually kick ass like a superhero in January. My goal was to lose the 10 lbs&h...
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  • Happy New Year & Updates!
    December 31, 2012
    Happy 2013 Folks!  First...THANK YOU for the overwhelming support, encouragement, prayers and virtual hugs. As I mentioned, my grandmother passed the week after Thanksgiving and it threw me for a major loop. Between her passing and the CT shootings, I wasn't feeling festive during the holida...
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  • 11/30/2012
    November 29, 2012
    Hi folks... Just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a little hiatus. My grandmother passed away yesterday after being sick for the last few weeks. My family is heartbroken, but taking comfort in knowing she is no longer in pain. I will post an entry soon with a proper update. If…
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  • October Cave Girl Report!
    October 30, 2012
    Hey Folks! This one will be short and sweet, I promise. Coco is worn out. Work is a bear...courtesy of Hurricane Sandy. I have been in a daze... Paleo weight loss total is now 56 lbs! My goal is to lose another 10-15 lbs before the end of the year. The scale is starting to…
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  • September Cave Girl Report!
    September 25, 2012
    Hello Lovelies! September has been a crazy busy month, but no complaints! I did a lot of celebrating for friends' birthdays and my own...Hello, 35! Work has been crazy busy and my spoiled ass is in desperate need for another vacation. I'll make this one short and sweet because I have more errands...
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