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ello ello

February 17, 2013
Wow, I can't remember the last time I actually sat down and began writing here... I have been reading here and there but I have turned into as bad of a commenter as I am an updater lol sorry = life has been well life, it's been full of ups and downs, in october I…
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Recent Entries

  • F*ck THIS
    October 20, 2012
    uggggg fuck OD I just typed out a long ass fucking entry and clicked post or what the fuck ever and it gave me a fucking error page PIECE OF SHIT!
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  • swallowed by pain
    October 8, 2012
    I thought I'd worked through and over come all my demons that life has plagued me with I guess I was wrong cause they are all bubbling to the surface and I don't know how to deal with them... I feel myself falling back into dark teritory, with no rope to pull me up
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  • A year?
    September 11, 2012
    This time last year I was packing my suitcase getting ready for my flight the next afternoon, to go see my dad I had gotten the call from my stepmom at work that he wasn't doing so well and I really needed to get there as soon as I could, I would have and should…
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  • the quiet scares me cause it screams the truth
    August 15, 2012
    I don't feel pretty anymore, I know it's because I've gained some weight back, that's my down fall when I'm stressing or bored I eat.. It doesn't help that's it's litterally too hot to work out in this heat, I'd love to get a gym membership, but no way to get to the gym and…
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  • Rain is gonna come down
    July 26, 2012
    what a FUCKED up day and that's puting it nicely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was my monday, I was off on wed, and thursday. I get called into work an hour early today, as soon as I go to walk out to fuel center, I see all the trash cans are FULL beyond full, the pumps are fucking…
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  • Here we are in the middle of it.
    July 20, 2012
    For the love of all things please let today go more smoothly! This will be a quicky, as I've got to get ready for work I'm going in early so I can get me some freakin BBQ lol I've earned something yummy, yesterday they had kind of a pot luck thing at work, but I…
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  • I love you madly sex bomb
    July 18, 2012
    When will my life leave this whirl wind? Work: ugg over the long hours, I'm so hoping something opens up inside soon, I don't think I've really wrote about all the crap going on inside the booth, there's 4 of us out there(not at the same time, 4 of us that work out there one…
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  • Livin’ on the edge
    June 19, 2012
    I think I'm losing my grip on reality slowly but surely...
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  • My body needs a hero come and save me. pics
    June 10, 2012
    wow so much has gone on in a day, I'm havin a good day today prolly because it was my last morning shift until next monday lol. I feel like I'm still hopped up on the 2 redbulls I had at 6 this morning lol but at last I am pretty sure I've done wore…
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