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Nano 2013 – Four Days Done

November 22, 2013
In the excitement of Disney Infinity and Day Of The Doctor, I forgot to mention that I completed my Nano 2013 story four days ago - coming in around 58,000 words. So once again, after having to restart the story after around 2,000 words, I have finished my story ten days early, five days bef...
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Recent Entries

  • The Day Of The Doctor
    November 22, 2013
    Three hours of absolutely phenomenal television. First was the episode itself - truly glorious and amazing. The plot was brilliant - well worked and well written. David T, Matt S and John Hurt were fantastic - entirely stole the show. And although I am pretty convinced most of the Archive Of...
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  • NaNoWriMo 2013, Week 2
    November 9, 2013
    Week 2 has gone a great deal better than week 1. Firstly because it was longer, secondly because I have not had to abandon my story and start another, and thirdly because I actually have a fair idea where the story is going and possibly even how to get it there. It has lead to me…
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  • NanoWriMo – end of week 1
    November 1, 2013
    So the first - very short - week of National Novel Writing Month, 2013, is over. It has already proved to be as chaotic as last year, but at least this time it did not take me quite so long to realise I was never going to finish the novel I had started. Last year…
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  • NaNo2013
    October 30, 2013
    Last year I started one story, scrapped it eight days later, started a brand new one the next day and completed it twenty days later. This year I am hoping for a slightly easier time :) THE INTERVIEW Emily Brown goes for a job interview at DWP. A story of love, loss, drama, the inherent...
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  • Travel Chaos in The UK for Monday 28th
    October 26, 2013
    Matt Taylor has more on what we can expect from Monday's storm and the areas most likely to be affected by strong winds and heavy rain. Commuters are being warned of travel disruption on Monday as a storm bringing hurricane-force winds and rain starts moving across England and Wales.  Three ...
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  • Switching Banks is actually quite easy
    October 25, 2013
    So I was caught up in the change from LlloydsTsb to Lloyds/TSB. I was with TSB originally, then got merged in to the big group, and now they are splitting up again, I am going back to my roots! (And also taking the opportunity to move all my accounts to one place, rather than having the...
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  • Nyssa Of Traken
    October 25, 2013
    In my head, the first episode I saw was Genesis of The Daleks, but given that it was broadcast in 1975, when I was two, I suspect I might be misremembering that fact (unless it was a repeat? Or I am thinking of the wrong  episode?) My first memory is of Tom Bake...
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  • What did you learn in school today?
    October 7, 2013
    You can be a mass murdering, genocidal maniac but if you repent just before you die, you get to go to heaven. (Harry Potter, Star Wars) Don’t judge people on first impressions - you may end up being set on fire. (Twilight) Don’t take sweets from strangers. (Narnia) All spiders are evi...
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  • Wikipedia policy – an object lesson in crazy
    October 5, 2013
    You may remove information that is unsourced or badly sourced (for example, to non-reliable sources such as blogs or tabloids). You may also add information that is sourced. Anyone may do that to any Wikipedia article. What is not acceptable is challenging information based on your own personal k...
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