It's nutty, y'know? My diary has existed on this site since May 1, 2001. Obviously, I haven't kept it up for that entire time, but it definitely exists as a window into my early-20's self.

I'd like for it to now become a window into my middle aged life, too. Will I actually keep up with that? Feels unlikely, but...we can all hope, right?

Latest Entry

The Man Comes Around Again

January 17, 2023
So, as is tradition around here, it's been about 4 and a half years since last I wrote.  It's also been over 20 goddamn years that this diary has existed.  For several years, it existed vibrantly, with basically an entry a day.  But, really, for the majority, it's been a desolate wasteland of not...
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Recent Entries

  • I Missed This
    June 4, 2018
    Heh. In 10 days, it will have been 6 years since my last entry. Hell, I didn't even find out OD had died until long after it was done. And I only just found out it was back last night. So what did I spend the night doing? Fucking reading of course. But of course…
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  • Alright, Shit, Can We Try This Again?
    June 13, 2012
     This is a total whim.  I'll say that straight away.  The fact that it's been nearly a full six months since I last wrote should say how much I'm (totally not) committed to this medium anymore.  And probably not nearly as much as I should be.  I do still love the idea of ...
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  • Comicry #1
    January 21, 2012
     After (yet another) long hiatus, I am return-ed again, but this time it's to expand upon what was intended to by my comic book discussion series that never made it past the introductory entry.  So let's try this shit again.  There's major life stuff to update, but it isn't happeni...
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  • Time Marches On
    June 29, 2011
    I gotta say, I'm a little bid sad I didn't make the time to come here and write something on the 10th Anniversary of this diary.  That was back on May 1st, by the way.  Only managed to overshoot it by about, oh, 2 months.  I haven't been very active (UNDERSTATEMENT!) in t...
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  • Marriages Great and Small
    November 26, 2010
    It's kind of sad (almost) how it takes a large event to bring me back here to write anymore, but I guess that's the relationship my diary and I have now.  But, I guess after 9.5 years, I should be glad we have any kind of relationship at all.  Especially given that I...
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  • The 9 Year Flood
    May 3, 2010
    I might've missed the actual date, but I sure as shit didn't forget it.  Sunday, May 1st, 2010 was the 9th Anniversary of the founding of this diary.  Fuckin' hell, man.  I might not have paid too terribly much attention to it over the past several years, but the fact tha...
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  • 30 to Life
    April 4, 2010
    Of all the events that surely should have dragged me back here once again after yet another long hiatus, I turned 30 on February 21st.  In my life, it feels like that alone is an accomplishment.  That isn't to say I've led any kind of particularly hard life;  far from it.&nbsp...
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  • ParaBlue? Evans Belle?
    June 11, 2009
    There may or may not be several other things I get into tonight, but I want to start off with a little bit of music talk.  I used to be huge into discovering new music and was completely excited when I stumbled into something that was just ungodly awesome.  That desi...
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  • Cauterization and a Lack Thereof
    May 31, 2009
    This  is one of those things I don't even know where to start with.  I feel like there's going to need to be a lot of explaining thrown in with this, so I'm going to apologize now to anyone who bothers to read this......this is bound to get incredibly wordy.  If it doesn'...
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