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My Life Is Not My Own

September 13, 2009
Ok. Gonna try to regain some semblance of my life. School is taking over. SO. I've designated Monday as OD day. So....HOPEFULLY every Monday I shall return for an update.'s my quick update because I have less than 15 minutes until Big Bang Theory comes on and signifies my...
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Recent Entries

  • Oh The Drama
    July 21, 2009
    Wow. Juuuust wow. This is why I'm not staying in this position long. All the other teachers apparently don't like this one because she talks too much and mentions her kids they created a drinking game...every time she says child X's name, we drink. And I'm's funny...
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  • Uh….Hello?
    July 20, 2009
    Hi. Is anyone still out there????? If you are...HI!!!!!!!!! Grad school took over my life. For a somewhat superficial update please see my blog at I keep the drama out of there....but seeing as I'm about to start teaching high school....I sense drama as...
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  • Pickin Me A Boquet
    April 29, 2009
    There are some things I just need to say...just need to get out of my head and down in some form of writing...then...if anyone still reads this I'll give you a quick update. For the real deal, visit the blog.   Let me preface this by saying, don't freak out. D...
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  • This Is Why
    April 8, 2009
    Mom. Seriously. SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? So...I'm basically broke. I'm in grad school and brooooooke. So...I asked mom to help me through the last few months. She was fine at first. Until today. I asked her to pay for my medications. Medi-fucking-cation, ok? Not pay for my clothes, pay for the drugs th...
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  • Bitch Mode In Overdrive
    February 24, 2009
    I think I'm just PMSing but, let's just roll with it, shall we? Had a job interview yesterday, went pretty well...other than that, I'm in a pissy mood. I hate student teaching, I hate my kids, I hate the classes, I loathe my 2 hour daily drive, and I have 8 weeks left. And I'm…
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  • HEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    February 19, 2009
    GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE KAYLA FOLSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Mmmmm King Cake.   THANKS BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • SPARKIN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
    February 18, 2009
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has anyone ever used!?!?! FREAKING BEST INTERNET DIET RELATED SITE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY GOD I'M ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're a sparker, ADD ME. PinkCowgirl Ok. Lesson plan time. Much love and much thanks for the notes!!!!!
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  • Late Update
    February 17, 2009
    This is from Monday:   GOOOOOOOOD MORNING OD!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Well it’s morning for me, it’ll probably be late afternoon by the time I post this. I don’t think I’ve even checked my notes since last post.   Ohhhh the coffee is starting to kick in. HELLO!!!!!!!!...
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  • Making My Way
    February 9, 2009
    I’m telling you guys right now, if I see one more Valentines Day commercial I’m going to stab someone.     On that note, I love him. Seriously. The other day I was helping Beth move, and he showed up uninvited and unannounced with pizza and drinks so we wouldn’t go hun...
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