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Consider Post Secondary Education

September 15, 2005
So, I've been living in residence at my university for just about two weeks now. Let me tell you, its been an awesome time! I was scared shitless to move away, but now I am loving every minute of it. We had a party in our apartment last friday, and I met this really nice…
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Recent Entries

  • University Life
    September 9, 2005
    Ah, So, remember how I was all scared shitless about going to University? Yes, well... me likes it now. Ever since I moved in I've liked it. I just hope I dont develop a drinking problem... Tonight we had a huge party in our room. Well, not really that huge, but big enough. Met a…
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  • Green Day Concert/ Camping etc
    August 29, 2005
    So here I sit again, in my room, with my laptop. The only shitty thing is that I don’t have a wireless hub in my house and I have to copy and paste my journals from Microsoft Word when I eventually connect to the internet. (Which will probably be tomorrow). Right now I’m listening to&...
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  • My Fears About Moving
    August 28, 2005
    Yesterday I picked up this laptop from Mel’s dad. He did a lot for me, and I really appreciate it. I was excited to see what it looked like and all those other cool features. Such as the DVD player and Pirate Bay . While I was picking up the laptop, Ben called my cell…
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  • Finally Got the Lap top
    August 27, 2005
    What up what up haha... wierd.. so today I picked up my laptop... I freakin love it. and thats my big update... maybe something more laters... thanks and have a nice night :) nats
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  • Not exactly looking up
    August 1, 2005
    Usually I don't have a lot to complain about. Most of the time I'm content with my environment. But for the past month, things here haven't been normal. Ever since the whole trailer incident, (where my mom's boyfriend thought that Melissa, Ben and I had sex) nothing has been the same. My mom prof...
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  • They tend to fall off the Face of the Earth
    July 26, 2005
    Well, now that you've heard all of the info you could ever possibly want to know about my job, here's a little chunk of my social atmosphere... brace yourselves (it may be boring!).Where to start? Ok. How's about the ending of my "highschool life"? Sounds good to me.In highschool I had a lot of f...
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  • Stuck between two good friends :(
    July 26, 2005
    Tonight wasn't a bad night. It was quite good actually. Well, minus the part where Melissa got all pissy about Ben.... (**SIDE NOTE**) You see, there was a time not too long ago where Ben and Melissa would flirt with each other. Then Melissa finally got the balls to actually confront him on the s...
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  • The Telemarketing Troubles
    July 25, 2005
    Ok, so I'm "new" here, so to speak. We'll forget about the introductions, and I'll just jump right into what's been going on lately... I'm quitting my job. I work as a telemarketer, and let me tell you, it is a really shitty job! I thought it would be easy money... and it is... but…
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