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resolution for 2008

January 26, 2008
Making a resolution for 2008     Most of January passed without any progress. Before this January come out, I made up mind and resolutions for improving and keep my life more active and energetic than used be. One of those resolutions is speaking in English better before people I n...
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Recent Entries

  • Mom Happy birthday to you !
    November 24, 2007
       A month ago S.Y told me not to forget having Mon 70th birthday party at her home. I could not imagine how I got older at this time. We went out at 9:30 and got mom home. There were nephews who came yesterday with their grandma. When I got inside, Mom had breakfast at…
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  • Daugther
    November 19, 2007
       At 2:30 I waked up and noticed G come back to go to bed. At first I could not know and smell how he was late and drank with Kim at that moment when it was almost midnight. As usual I had to get up on 5:00 to monitor when I am on dawn…
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  • Eat out at Buffet
    November 19, 2007
       It has been long time to eat out at buffet with S.Y. several months ago her twin sister, S.H gave us the free ticket for Hotel buffet. Frankly I am not familiar with Hotel buffet where I rare go out to have lunch or dinner. At any rate we thanked her a lot. Without her…
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  • The book inspired me
    November 17, 2007
     Last night I could not help going to bed early due to reading the book I made up mind finishing by this weekend. It has been almost 20 years since I learned and studied English. Sometime I could not know why I should get involved in more and more without exact purpose to get improvement&hel...
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  • Toastmaster 40th Meeting
    July 20, 2006
    Toastmaster 40th Meeting     It rained hard like basket. Over the whole week it damaged and destroyed road and bridges on the nationwide. I was sorrow for people in difficulty.   It has been almost 6 months since I did not show up and get involved in T.M. whenever I got to T.M, sev...
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  • At Suk Bool temple
    July 6, 2006
     I t is rainy season from mid of June to end of July. Today it got sunny and clear on the sky. I got to go out to trek the hill around my town. At 16:10 I went up to mid point to view and take a break with watering in 5 mins. While I…
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  • what a great sky
    May 28, 2006
    What a great sky    I was supposed to go to Mt. Jiri with people from Mountains & longing on the weekend but I could not help canceling due to my night shift closed by 9:00 A.M. after getting home, I could not stand staying without doing anything at home. Around 14:00 I packed to&he...
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  • Rainy day
    April 9, 2006
    It rained much. Great earth has been looking for watering its all natures. For almost 2 months I haven’t seen any rain. I was glad a lot.   After work I took the subway for home but transferred 1 line on the seo myeon St. to go to the temple where late Father in-law would be…
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  • 28 th meeting in Toast Master
    January 17, 2006
      It has been a couple of months since I got together at Busan Toast Master where I meet up people in variety and learn mutual communications through 2 and 3 mins speech. At 28th meeting I was so glad to meet new and old members again and to talk about the issues Amy in…
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