I've been on OpenDiary since the beginning of forever. Or 2004. Whichever came later. You can read all of my angsty teen ramblings if you'd like. I like to know where I've been, because it informs where I am now. (It also takes a lot to embarrass me!)

I'm a queer, polyamorous, non-binary, neurodivergent weirdo. I like animals better than people, and I have opinions. So many opinions. Black cats are the best, summer squash is the worst, and we need to work harder to dismantle the white, capitalist hegemony that permeates all of our lives. Opiiinions.

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OhMai it has been some time

March 25, 2018
I seem to recall getting the e-mail that OD was going down and to download your journal before it was TOO LATE®, but I was really depressed at the time and didn't manage it. And then I tried to log in at the end of 2014 to do my yearly summary and... nada. So... what…
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Recent Entries

  • 2013, A Year of Firsts
    December 30, 2013
     1.What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before? So, let's see.  In roughly chronological order: I built my own computer with my own hands! I was diagnosed with OCD. I got really, really (really) sick and had severe chronic pain and hospital visits.  (My first time be...
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  • Small victories
    January 3, 2013
     I just listed 'transgendered' as one of my interests.  This scares the shit out of me, and I'm still afraid to write about it (most of the reason for my shorter-than-usual yearly update). But, small victories.  Fear is just a compass pointing you in the direction you need to change.
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  • Summary of the year, 2012
    December 30, 2012
     1.What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before? I bought a condo and moved to a place where I didn't know anyone and I started graduate school and I made lots of new friends and I rode a bus after ten pm.  (Seattle has a much better bus system than Salt Lake!)…
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  • 01/29/2012
    January 28, 2012
    It has been two weeks.  They have been... somewhat awful. My job has taken a decided turn for the worse, with BossBoss singling me out as a time-waster and inefficient lout.  I don't even want to talk about it any more.  I've decided to quit a month earlier than before, which is......
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  • Cat day: Success!
    January 12, 2012
    I have a cat and he is big and black and fuzzy.  I will give him a name soon.  Whoever called him "Cougar" clearly doesn't understand that cougars are not black.  I am using "Panther" as a stand-in, because I'm pretty sure that's what they meant.  I am temp...
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  • Cat day (with a hooray-type edit)
    January 11, 2012
    I thought last Saturday was cat day, but it was not.  We met Emily, but she just wasn't a good fit.  She was friendly, but didn't like being held or cuddled, which is what we want in a cat.  We also met a near-perfect cat named Bobbie, but she caused Bryan ridiculous allergies, so ...
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  • Dusts off hands satisfactorily
    January 5, 2012
    That's one more down, two to go.  Grad school applications, that is.  I've just submitted my application to Penn State.  I also apparently don't need to pay an application fee unless I'm accepted to the department.  It seems like a lot of chemistry departments feel like waivin...
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  • FIP and on to happier subjects
    January 4, 2012
    Bryan and I finally got the pathology report back on Dyrim's eye.  They're almost certain that he had FIP, or Feline Infectious Peritonitis.  FIP invades the immune system (the macrophages, specifically) which it commandeers to attack the rest of the organs.  A lot of cats show sym...
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  • So it turns out I avoid failure
    January 3, 2012
    Definitely failed the sleep experiment, about two hours after I wrote my last article.  I've been avoiding Open Diary ever since, because I hate admitting failure. But hey!  This is my diary, so I can avoid that!  I'll just write about other stuffs. New Years was pretty great.&nbsp...
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