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alija, the hot dog guy. (1)

September 24, 2013
Frozen, packaged beef. It is the most hideous of things, yes? When you take the beef out of the plastic and inspect it, it looks so disgusting, really. A flesh container of the least wanted parts of the animal. In old country, people there, they think of the tube steak, the hot dog, the hrenovka&...
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    September 17, 2013
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  • so long, shane.
    August 12, 2013
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  • tally marks.
    July 14, 2013
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  • synthetic reactions.
    May 29, 2013
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  • errant files.
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    March 31, 2013
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    January 28, 2013
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  • old into new.
    January 12, 2013
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  • like a mole popping up into fallout.
    December 30, 2012
    phew. what a year. i usually do the whole "exodus from the planet" thing in January/February, but i started it about a month early this year, unintentionally. i've essentially been off the grid since the beginning of December in all forms of life. i've just been working and writing, bas...
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