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  • Untitled(For now) pt.1
    July 21, 2008
     Part 1 of a new (semi)short story I'm working on:                  The alleyway smelled rancid, like hot pavement and vomit; bad enough to turn my stomach into knots but not strong enough to turn us away.  I&rsq...
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  • *Interlude(of what I can’t be sure)
    October 16, 2007
    The second floor of the Rexinum'emi Grandemat, or Lord's Mannor, was restricted to the select few he favored, and his business associates. This particular bedroom, however, he'd been saving for a certain special someone. Unfortunately, right now, it was being occupied, not by her, but her twin br...
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  • The Changes are rolling over me
    September 27, 2007
    I'm a degree and all.  Still the world has grown double in that time and I have no idea how to place myself within it.Europe was unbelievably amazing, and I'm so grateful for the experience.  But now is the time to buckle down and get to work....whatever that means
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  • Is this just a detour?
    November 3, 2006
         I write my best when listening to Hillary Duff and other pop sensations that I know on a fudamental level are really shit.  Still, Getaway is breaking me free of my prison of writers block, and piece by piece I'm putting pen to paper and creating something that resem...
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  • I remember when I lost my mind…
    September 23, 2006
    Every time my hip stings, I remember my crimes and cry just a little.
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  • What kind of girl do you take me for…
    September 9, 2006
         Sitting here listening to Promiscuous.  This song is an embarassment to music in general and yet I've had it on repeat for the past fifteen minutes wishing I could release some of this stress I'm feeling in the most primal of ways.  Bleh.  Just had another ...
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  • Heels up, head down, straight on through
    July 26, 2006
    What could have brought on this steady stream of seemingly good luck?  Is it karma?  Have I been behaving myself so well that suddenly things are going my way for a change?  Or perhaps its just one of those natural cyces of life, where you're up and then you're down.  I can't ...
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  • Storms are coming, why don’t we play?
    July 24, 2006
         This weekend went by almost without me, and I was left choking on the dust of a good time gone by without being completely aware of what happened.  But now that the dust is settled, I can see the picture clearly.  I haven't felt this way since I was a freshman e...
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  • *Prodigal What? Ch. 1 pt. 1
    July 23, 2006
    This is the first part of the firstchapter of my novel Ametank (Blood) as begun for the umpteenth time.  But the flow is working for me, even if I have to write it all out of order and put it together in the end. Yes...I know it needs more scene...        &...
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