I've changed a lot in the last couple of years. This diary has been part of that. And the sense of continuity - the idea that there have been downs followed by ups - gives me hope. I may be down now, but I'll swing back. Probably smack myself in the jaw doing it.
I'm antisocial, and weird, and a bit of a jerk. I have way too much free time. But I'm an ok guy too, sometimes.
I'm mostly FO now, and I'll only add you if you're worth reading. Plain and simple.
Single white male, uni dropout, slacker. I'm less a current event, more a watch this space.


Latest Entry

On a Lighter Note

May 29, 2012
<<<< Work related angst thattaway. In other news, I've used my involuntary week off to get some things done. I've been sleeping regularly, exercising, washing and tidying my things. I'm a bit at a loss, actually - I've been up since 4, it's now 9. I've chatted with fran, done 2 loads ...
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Recent Entries

  • On a Lighter Note
    May 29, 2012
    <<<< Work related angst thattaway. In other news, I've used my involuntary week off to get some things done. I've been sleeping regularly, exercising, washing and tidying my things. I'm a bit at a loss, actually - I've been up since 4, it's now 9. I've chatted with fran, done 2 loads ...
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  • Tilt
    May 27, 2012
    I'm a creature of unconscious, visceral, and largely endocrine responses. All adrenaline, all the time if I'm anyone, which most days I'm not. Most days I stick to the familiar, try to avoid setting myself off. Some days I do a thing and my neurons fizz and crackle and I am high as fuck and…
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  • Tilt
    May 27, 2012
    I'm a creature of unconscious, visceral, and largely endocrine responses. All adrenaline, all the time if I'm anyone, which most days I'm not. Most days I stick to the familiar, try to avoid setting myself off. Some days I do a thing and my neurons fizz and crackle and I am high as fuck and…
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  • misfire
    November 24, 2011
    noone is eating foods, everyone is drinking too much, it's a disorganised mess and a prto-riot of geeky asians and co. I don't want to be here, didn't from the start, spent 4 hours making drinks and foods, and I'm abut done. I had a mojito that was watery, a flaming jesus that stuck to…
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  • misfire
    November 24, 2011
    noone is eating foods, everyone is drinking too much, it's a disorganised mess and a prto-riot of geeky asians and co. I don't want to be here, didn't from the start, spent 4 hours making drinks and foods, and I'm abut done. I had a mojito that was watery, a flaming jesus that stuck to…
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  • While you’re up …
    October 26, 2011
    I have energy, at the moment. I have some quantum of capacity that I didn't have, or at least wasn't using, yesterday. I'm moving, little by little, and borrowing momentum from other slightly faster objects. Just think, I've crashed and crashed, slow but heavy, for years and I'm alive. This time,...
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  • While you’re up …
    October 26, 2011
    I have energy, at the moment. I have some quantum of capacity that I didn't have, or at least wasn't using, yesterday. I'm moving, little by little, and borrowing momentum from other slightly faster objects. Just think, I've crashed and crashed, slow but heavy, for years and I'm alive. This time,...
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  • ex crossfire/hurricane (autoflash)
    October 16, 2011
    It is dark back here - semiquiet and semicoool. Crisp with breath fogging and the rustling of things that you hope are leaves and not unnamed arthropods stealing a fatal march on human unsuspecting bloody kind. It is dark back here, and it is semiquiet, semicool. The violence is gone but the anim...
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  • ex crossfire/hurricane (autoflash)
    October 16, 2011
    It is dark back here - semiquiet and semicoool. Crisp with breath fogging and the rustling of things that you hope are leaves and not unnamed arthropods stealing a fatal march on human unsuspecting bloody kind. It is dark back here, and it is semiquiet, semicool. The violence is gone but the anim...
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