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sick sick sick

December 13, 2010
Uuughh. Sorry for lack of updating recently but man alive, I've been feeling like crap, quite frankly. In a nutshell: * Sickness kicked in at 5 weeks and has plagued me ever since. I don't get morning sickness - I get all-day, churning sickness which is just delightful! * I've gone off tea &&...
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Recent Entries

  • Still doesn’t seem real
    November 21, 2010
    Monday night, 6.58pm, and my 2 very very tired kiddies are in bed......ahhhhhhh, bliiiissssssssssssssssss. A night of good tv, yummy dinner, tea & hot choc beckons! woop! I feel a lot less freaked out now. In fact, I feel much more relaxed about being pregnant again......probably because...
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  • Very, veeeerrrrry long time….
    November 16, 2010
    Well! Helloooooooo, everyone who stopped reading my diary 2 and a half years ago!!!! I'm baaaaaackkkk! And this time for good.....I have a LOT to write about! So....brief synopsis. I'm now 31, living in a lovely 4 bedroomed house in Herne Bay, Kent (10 minutes drive from my parents). William...
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  • Long time……..
    May 20, 2008
    Heehee! Look, it's me, in writing-on-OD shocker!!! I've been writing loads in my other blog - every other day in fact!! - but I thought I'd better catch up on here too! So what's been happening? Well, it's been nearly 3 months, so quite a lot. 1) My mother in law died 3 weeks ago.…
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  • Feel like…. *insert expletive here*
    March 4, 2008
    I feel like shit today, to be quite frank.I got a headache yesterday evening that's still pounding away this morning. I can't take anything for it of course-I don't even want to take paracetomal as taking tablets in pregnancy just doesn't feel right. Yesterday was a manically busy day: as well as...
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  • Shopping & Sleep
    February 29, 2008
    We had a really, really lovely day today!After I tutored this morning we went to Reading to do some SHOPPING! I haven't been shopping long, I can't remember. We're permanently skint, dontcha know. But Mike got a little bonus this month so we thought we'd treat ourselves a bit.Reading i...
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  • New blog
    February 27, 2008
    Hi guys, I've got a bit jaded with OD-I think it's because I always feel like I have to write in a certain way on here, and it's never that natural! -so I've got a new blog: I've found I'm writing a lot more honestly on this blog. I'm going to carry on ...
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  • Ill and cross
    February 19, 2008
    Is there anything worse than being 12 weeks pregnant with a bad tummy bug and 3 toddlers to look after? I'm feeling rather sorry for myself. I have diarrhea, sickness and dizziness, I have no energy whatsoever due to crap sleep over the past week (William's been really ill), and I have ...
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  • Feel the Love
    February 13, 2008
    Hey hey people, It's Valentines Day!!! It seems like I'm the only one of my faves that likes it, as I've just read a bunch of anti-Valentines entries....c'mon people, feel the luuuuuuuuurve!  Me? I love the slush. Mike bought me gorgeous-smelling flowers, he's cooking me a surprise dinner an...
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  • Bleed & Scan
    February 5, 2008
    I had a rather big bleed on Monday night. It was so, so scary. I'd had my usual mad Monday afternoon looking after William, Louis and Rebecca, I'd just run William's bath, went to the loo and......bam. Pink on the loo paper. Pink that over the next few hours, turned bright red. I'd had a…
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