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End of OD

January 28, 2014
So apparently OD is officially shutting down. This is upsetting considering I have been writing in here since I was.. Well, at the earliest 8th grade, maybe some time early highschool. I remember losing all my entries when the site got hacked forever ago. It's been an interesting place,...
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Recent Entries

  • Fast.
    January 14, 2014
    So some time mid-December I finally had a break at work and got to go home for the holidays. Greg actually came with me, which was fun. We spent Christmas at my brother's new house, which was actually really fun. He just bought a really old house that used to be a boarding school in the…
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  • Update
    October 27, 2013
     So it has been brought to my attention that I haven't updated in a while. Apparently, that's true. My last update was literally the day that my entire life became a giant cluster fuck of living in the lab pretty much all the time. Since April 29th I've had... Maybe 4 days off? Up to…
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  • 04/29/2013
    April 28, 2013
    I just wrote "work on dissertation and graduate (Maybe?!)" on my plans for the next year to present to my advisory committee. This is both thrilling and makes me want the shit my pants. I'm also afraid they will laugh in my face. But we'll see in about 15 minutes.
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  • Comps
    April 21, 2013
    I passed! Wooo! So now both my written and oral comprehensive exams are over and done with. This has made me realize that I'm actually going to graduate from this program. This has simultaneously made extremely happy and sad. Happy, for obvious reasons -- I've been in school for way too long...
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  • 3/14/13
    March 13, 2013
    1. I PASSED MY WRITTENS! Yay!  2. I started therapy because I can't handle this shit anymore. This may or may not have been almost directly related to waiting on my results (first time around; took 6+ weeks for them to get back to me as opposed to the 2 it was suppos...
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  • Waiting game
    January 17, 2013
    So I turned in my written comprehensive exam almost exactly 1 month ago. I have yet to hear anything back about it because something happened with one of my committee members. Supposedly, they're meeting next week to discuss it and I'll get the verdict then. So I'm either going to out-r...
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  • Comps
    December 5, 2012
    I currently have 11 days left of my written comprehensive exam. 75 pages to go! Awesome! It would've been nice if I was supplied cocaine and could stay awake this whole time. Basically, this is how I currently feel :   Would it be unprofessional of me to send this picture...
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  • Blah
    November 8, 2012
    So we officially are moved into our new place! I actually love it more than I thought I would. I was about to go start power getting ready for my lab meeting because I thought I had to leave in like 10 minutes. But, no, I no longer live 30 minutes away and I can lite...
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  • My life in bullet points
    October 18, 2012
    I just got back from a conference in New Orleans. A friend of mine tagged me in this lovely article, citing a post from someone at the same conference. I guess I just wasn't sexy enough, definitely my reason for going. Or maybe he just missed my poster. In other news: New Orleans s...
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