I have been around the OD woods since 1999 but my diary name had many variations as I bounced around from Portland to Bakersfield, to North Carolina, Georgia and Washington. For the time I was here before my husband was in the Army. As OD closed down in 2014 my youngest daughter was just 16 months old. We were on our way to North Carolina and now we're not there. We're back in Washington and possibly back on to Portland. I graduated with my Associate's and am finishing up my Bachelor's at Portland State University, the school my husband was going to when we met in 1998.

I'll stick around as long as OD sticks around. It's my place and this is where I'll be found.

Latest Entry

So this is 40…

June 26, 2021
I'm 40 and I don't feel 40. I definitely do not feel 40 in the way that I thought of 40 as a kid. Perspective is so relative. I sit in this world never with enough time. I'm working on my master's. I finally accomplished my dream as a kid. I completed my bachelor's and…
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Recent Entries

  • Guess who’s back?
    April 5, 2020
    I need an outlet again. Life is all kinds of completely messed up. I've been at my current job for nearly a year and a half. I've been promoted to the assistant of one of the vice presidents. That's amazing but otherwise it feels as life is crumbling. Marriage is shit. I graduate with my…
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  • Moving on up
    February 3, 2019
    Well, as of tomorrow, I am for the first time in a very long time, I will be full-time employed. Once the latest shutdown happened I had this feeling that I needed to find something permanent. I loved my job on campus but it was only available if I was enrolled in 6 credits a…
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  • There is never enough time
    November 8, 2018
    I want more time to write. I often think to myself, especially when I see the payment for OD clear my bank, "damn I should really be writing about this" or "it'd feel so much better if I could take time to write." But right now I'm investing in me. My internships are going well.…
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  • This week…
    July 26, 2018
    This week started out amazingly. I met with my career advisor at my school. I don't know if she is that positive and uplifting with everyone but holy shit, I walked away thinking I can do anything. She told me I'm a whole-package deal and that with my experience (what experience?...I never looked...
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  • Eggshells
    July 21, 2018
    I'm just jotting down thoughts in order to use this as something to expound upon further at a later time. Walking on eggshells has begun to open up wounds that cannot heal. Happiness is seeping away with each and every cut to the core. If home is where the heart is then what happens when…
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  • I’m rollin on sunshine! Woohoo!
    July 13, 2018
    So I got the internship. And it can be a long term thing. I can stay with this group for a long time. I love it. So I'm going to be a development intern for the Rose City Rollers. The #1 Roller Derby League in the country and #2 in the world. I get to…
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  • Possible Internship
    July 3, 2018
    I went out on a limb and emailed a local roller derby team for an internship that they had listed. I emailed the very last day it was open. You had to email some answers to questions they had on their ad and today I heard back and they want to meet. They do a…
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  • Momma wants a job
    July 2, 2018
    I know that I've still got a year of school left but damnit I want a job. I want a paycheck. I want to pay down debt. I want to start saving. I want to buy my girls a home. I want a vacation. I want a real vacation. I actually want a girls vacation.…
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  • The struggle is real
    June 29, 2018
    One of the joys of having a child with sensory processing disorder is the possibility that someone will call CPS on me. Next year the eye doctor wants to dilate Caroline's eyes to test the extent that she may be far sighted. In order to prepare her for this he gave me some ordinary eye…
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