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June 22, 2005
I guess I was silly to think he would actually call me for once when he said he would. But he probably did crash because unlike me he wasn't able to go to sleep today because he had to work. Gary and Tara left. Last time I'll see them for a long time because they are…
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Recent Entries

  • 16:48-16:48
    June 22, 2005
    June 23, 2005 Jeff,               I used to wish on every candle, on every star, on every sheet of paper that I would find someone to love me that I could love back. I stopped having to wish the moment I met you. You know how every time ...
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  • *13:50-14:09
    June 21, 2005
    Jeff and I went to the beach last night. The sunset on the drive up was mostly an orange color, with purple and pink clouds. It was amazing and then when we got there the moon was rising up over the ocean horizon and it was a blood red. As it got higher it turned…
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  • 09:34-09:40
    June 20, 2005
    my last three days in new hampshire until october and he doesn't even want to spend his time with me. I don't get it...most people i've met...most couples when the other leaves somewhere for a good amount of time they want to spend as much time as they can with them. i don't even get…
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  • 10:15-11:08
    June 12, 2005
    Find my peace. Find my happiness. Find my inner strength to get through all that is happening to me and all that is wrong in my world and all that I cannot stand. Find my truth. Find my hope. Find my love to guide me in the right direction and push me farther than I ever…
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  • 22:08-22:13
    June 12, 2005
    why am I throwing myself apart thinking about him every second when he isn't doing the same for me? I just want him to appear but i know it's not going to happen and he's been gone all day...i'm going on two days without speaking to him at all. i wish i could get out…
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  • 14:37-14:42
    June 5, 2005
    I've been trying to think about how I'm going to do this trip, but haven't spent much time on it. I don't feel like searching until I get my savings bonds. i came back to my mom's and am doing the laundry. i also vacuumed (sp?) the downstairs for her. i'm so tired today though.…
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  • 20:39-20:46
    June 4, 2005
    I've had a really nice, long day. I'm tired, naturally, and ready to go home and lay on the couch to relax. I went over to this guy Martin's house today with Jeff. he was showing his t-shirt printing shit and other jobs he was having lined up. He also is an artist. AMAZING! He…
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  • 12:23-12:41
    June 3, 2005
    He doesn't want to move to WI with me. He loves it just where he is. I don't expect anything out of him and it's okay if he wants to stay here. Maybe someday I'll find someone who wants to live where I want to live. Someone who wants to try my favorite lifestyle. But I can't…
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  • 07:17-07:42
    June 2, 2005
    I'm not meaning to be another depressed desperate complaining teenager that only notices what isn't instead of what is. I haven't been sleeping very much. I've had nightmares and I've also been wired. I've tried getting fried and I've tried taking unisoms but I can't be depending on that shit to ...
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