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How it All Fell Apart

April 9, 2018
I can't really pinpoint a time when it really all started to fall apart, but if I'm honest, I'm sure it was in the first few months of our relationship. There's a lot of truth in letting something go when it's nothing but a struggle, and I should have, but I held on to those…
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Recent Entries

  • A Fresh, Old Start
    April 9, 2018
    I waited until my entire diary content had been restored to write an entry. Mostly, I wanted to see what point I left off on here, but part of it was curiosity as well. Well, after spending 7 years with Johnny, that came to an end  at the end of December 2016/January 2017, and on…
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  • Prosebox: anchors.away
    January 26, 2014
    Find me on prosebox... anchors.away. Not much is on there, yet... But I like the idea of a fresh start.
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  • Drunken Chaos
    September 17, 2013
     I'm at work right now, and since the girls are currently napping, I'm finally going to sit down and write about what happened with my mom back in May...   Between working at the preschool and being a nanny, I decided to take two weeks to visit my family. Upon arrival, my mother was alr...
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  • Paper
    September 10, 2013
    I've been writing a lot lately, not in a virtual world, but rather with a pen and paper. Imagine that. Paper? What's paper? I'm afraid to post some of the things I have written because it's not in my usual style. In fact, it's a bit controversial and is in my viewpoint of this country…
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  • Oh, Hey There.
    August 9, 2013
     I feel guilty, like I've abandoned this site, even though I still read my favorites regularly.   I'm typing this out on my phone, so I apologize for any typos. I no longer have Internet at home. Johnny and I now live together, though, so that's a plus. Life is pretty happy, and I'm con...
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  • Fruit Loops
    April 5, 2013
    I'm sitting on the couch snacking on some Cheez-It Party Mix, but suddenly I just developed a terrible craving for Fruit Loops. Strange. My license plate expired the end of March, so I've been driving on an expired plate; I'll continue to drive without updated stickers until Wednesday o...
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  • It Gets Better
    March 25, 2013
    (My iPad wont let me post this, so I'm posting on my phone. I apologize if there are no spaces between paragraphs.) The other day I was feeling as though I had nothing left to give; everything around me seemed to be crumbling, every option I had lead to a dead-end, and my life just…
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  • Circles.
    March 23, 2013
       I haven't written in forever, not solely because I was lazy (even though that is part of it), but mostly because life has been so consistently boring that I truly haven't had a single thing to write about. You know, aside from the normal shit my entries are filled with. For the last ...
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  • Sleep Away the Afternoon
    January 9, 2013
     I woke up this morning, my hair plastered to my face, my blanket wrapped around me like a cocoon, and a dream, from the sleep I awoke from, hanging to my brain by a thread. If I had it my way, I'd sleep for hours and hours. There's just something about the warmth of a…
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