Currently in college and living between the states of wonderful anticipation and stress. I think times of transition are the perfect time to keep a journal. I've tried keeping a physical diary for years, but it never seemed to work out. Since I have my laptop on me all day, this site seemed like the perfect thing! I hope it will help me grow as a writer, learn more about myself, and give me something to look back on later.

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Sucks 2 b poor

March 23, 2018
Every semester I spend at university I'm getting more and more disheartened and more and more in debt. For the second semester in a row my financial aid was taken away. Last semester because my old school never sent my transcript and this semester because a class I was told counted towards my maj...
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Recent Entries

  • Organizing
    March 19, 2018
    I finally went through all of my jewelry and clothes so I could donate everything I don't wear or that doesn't fit me anymore etc. I filled an entire bag of clothes and narrowed my dresser from two drawers to one (although that doesn't count the closet or my clothes at college). Why do I…
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  • Good day
    March 15, 2018
    Good day today. I got everything I needed done (well, except for my essay, guess I have to do all that jazz tomorrow) but we finally have plans for our fundraiser so I don't have to worry about that for now. We also got a new piece for chorus and I think I'm going to…
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  • relationship advice!!
    March 14, 2018
    Does anyone who's been married or in a long term relationship have any advice for me?? I've been with the same person for 4 years and I feel like I love them deeply, but we are still in college. I wonder sometimes if we are being foolish thinking that we can be sure of each…
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  • Off day so far
    March 13, 2018
    This morning I am a little disappointed, because last night I got a surprise invitation to travel with the band. This morning, though, the trip was cancelled. I don't know if it's because of instrumentation or attendance or both, but for a shining moment I was excited. Although it might be for th...
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  • Best Friends
    March 12, 2018
    Today I was having a conversation with my boyfriend about early childhood friends I haven't thought about in years. Mostly because I try not to, as they were never truly good friends to me. And it made me think about how funny it all is in retrospect, how in all the years I felt alone…
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  • you’re only a beginner once…a bunch of times
    March 12, 2018
    lately I've been thinking of all of the new things I'm learning right now. I'm also thinking about how they are so new and foreign to me, I wonder if I can ever master them. I want to be part of the band in the spring so so much. The only problem is that there…
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