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I have always depended on the praise of strangers

September 10, 2013
I've been so down and out this week.  And I was having such trouble putting a name and a face on the sadness.  I just felt this pit, this uselessness, helplessness that I couldn't shake. I had my theories.  I thought it had to do with too much TV (I started binge watching Dext...
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Recent Entries

  • caging the beast
    September 7, 2013
    ugh.  I've been in such a weird place recently.  And I know I'm doing it to myself. I go through these cycles where all I want to do is watch tv and lay in bed for hours on end, and I just can't stop myself.  A whole day or sometimes two will go by like this,…
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  • happy, at least for today.
    July 3, 2013
    Today was pretty bad-ass.  I woke up early, made myself avo and fried egg on toast for breakfast, and then went to yoga.  It's so great to do group exercise.  I should really do it forever and ever, no matter what it is.  It doesn't even matter what it is.  It's just...
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  • apethetic spiral of laziness
    June 24, 2013
    It's beginning to feel like a cycle that will always be a part of my life. I don't want to resign to that, but there's this weird thing--like a self-destructive, endless circle that I go through.  I get inspired or off my lazy ass for a few days or a few hours here or there, but I&...
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  • full of hunger
    May 26, 2013
    Kirsten- I so appreciated your email, and am so grateful for your willingness to be kind, to be open, to be honest. I was touched to be able to hear another one of your songs, to read more of your words (if everyone in the world wrote like you, yours would still sparkle), to be…
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  • liberation
    May 24, 2013
    I can't believe what a weight has been lifted!  Is it really true that so much of the torture I've put myself through comes down to one simple reality?  Simply: hiding? I have hidden my true feelings from this other person--from Kevin--for years.  Forget that they are immature, unf...
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  • art? art.
    May 24, 2013
    I just watched "exit through the gift shop," and I want to create.  Is there anything better than creating for the sake of creating? I felt kind of weird about the movie halfway through.  I kind of think it's a hoax that banksy created to make a point.  A point about...
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  • growing pains
    May 22, 2013
    Oh you're making me grow again, I can feel the changes in my shape And it's making me ache again, I say there's not much more I can take But that's just all the talkin', the talkin' never stops inside my brain As much as I deny it, the truth is there is one here…
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  • self improvement
    May 19, 2013
    I am at the close of day 2 of me and Katie's week long self-improvement zine project.  We set goals for ourselves for each day of the week around a daily theme, as well as additional week long goals thrown into the mix.  Here is the rough schedule: Sunday: Spiritual Reflection Monday: F...
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  • 05/17/2013
    May 16, 2013
    I just watched a TED talk by Meg Jay that made me cry.  It was about how 30 is not the new 20, and twenty somethings shouldn't waste their time, but instead take the life they are living at this moment seriously.  It was about how this decade is the most formative of our lives and&...
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