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I had to get this off my chest…

February 2, 2013
and what better place than OD? Noone seems to read anymore anyways, but I'm sure this entry will get several notes...but whatever...   I'm in love with a married man....have been for nearly 3 years now. I know...the morality of it is disgusting low.  And seeing that my dad cheated on my...
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Recent Entries

  • The first step is Admittance right? So here goes..
    November 10, 2012
    Since I had Braylon I have been sick of my body. Disgusted by the image in the mirror. Secretly insecure and its at its worst.  I hate taking pictures...cringe when people tell me I am beautiful and have taken to staying in the house. The only time I leave is to do makeup or go…
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  • All About Him…..Rico
    November 16, 2011
      It's been a while since I've been in deep genuine love...and he is that for me.  Rico and I met in the winter of a house party.  I was drunk way beyond the legal limit and he was the finest thing at the house.  I flirted...winked...cracked jokes and danced around t...
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  • An entry?!?!?!
    November 15, 2011
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  • Manic Monday……..I hate them!
    January 25, 2009
    Hey OD!  So my weekend was a complete waste.....the only good thing to come of it was the sirlon and crab legs I had yesterday at Outback....YUMMO!  I love food, maybe that is what my downfall is.....who knows, who cares!  So let me just start off by saying that I have learned the ...
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  • YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    January 22, 2009
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  • Hey…….my first entry of 2008
    January 23, 2008
    I need to get a new ticker for Braylon who is 16 months now!  Crazy isn't it...what happened to the toothless baby that I was holding last year, I don't know.  He is walking, running, climbing steps and amazing me everyday.  I have become a stay at home mom, focusing on raising my ...
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  • NoJoMo2007…..All About Taylor
    November 1, 2007
      So, as promised, today's entry is about Taylor A. Bradford.  Taylor was shot on campus, outside his car on Sept. 30 2007.  He jumped in his car and drove out of the parking lot, where we have no idea, and crashed into a tree.  I think he was dead and that was the reason…
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  • NoJoMo2007…..I’m BACK!***Edit
    October 31, 2007
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  • Okay a long entry…..finally
    May 20, 2007
    So i decided to finally write an entry that broke down everything that has been happening.  Each part of my life will be bold and italicized.  So here goes: BRAYLON: As the ticker says above my little man is 8 months old TODAY.  He is crawling and pulling up on things.  H...
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