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So very hard…

March 19, 2011
Things are still really hard.   We're talking again at this point but it's hard. I keep remembering how angry I am and I have to make a conscious effort to not burst out in tears and rip his head off. Though at this point we still haven't touched, even so much as hugged, in…
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Recent Entries

  • How do I go on…
    March 11, 2011
    How do you start trusting someone again when they have done everything to make you stop believing in them... My husband lied to me. About something very important. He claims it wasn't really a lie since he just didn't tell me but admits that it was the wrong thing to do. He says that he…
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  • Where do I go from here…
    March 5, 2011
    I was right.   Though, I really wish I hadn't been.   With the way things gave been going lately, I really needed something to make me feel good, to make me feel important, to make me feel like I mattered.   And what did he have to say? "You deserve so much more than…
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  • A very unmerry birthday…
    February 28, 2011
    So, it's my birthday on Friday.   It's our weekend with the kids which means that it's won't be a romantic weekend alone to celebrate. And, no matter what I say or do he doesn't seem to care what it means to me that he doesn't do anything. We don't need a lot of money…
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  • Overworked and Underpaid…
    February 12, 2011
    So, on top of everything that I've been dealing with at home, I am also having a hell of a time at work.   I am running two complete departments, training for mine and 3 other departments, feuding with one department over the fact that they are doing nothing and with another department over ...
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  • Breaking the silence…
    January 26, 2011
    It's been a very long time since my last entry. I've been married now for over two years, since October 2008. My husband's kids still live with their mother and come to us once a week for the afternoon/ evening and for every other weekend. I can't say it's not hard. Trying to help raise…
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  • Almost 7 months…
    May 19, 2009
    I got married on October 28th. I've been worried about us pretty much since then. We're starting off with so much more baggage than any normal relationship should have to, and we both seem to be miserable more often than not. I don't know any way to make things better, or how to remove any…
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  • Two weeks to the day…
    November 10, 2008
    Since we tied the knot. Yep, that's it. I've done it. I am now an old married woman. It's going to be hard. It's going to be very, very, very hard. He has 3 kids with his ex wife and they live by her, but due to her extreme lack of financial responsibility ,chances are…
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  • Holy crap…
    October 14, 2008
    I'm getting married in 13 days...
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  • Childhood…
    July 5, 2008
      Stuffed purple monkeys, plush pink elephants, soft orange fish and other childhood accessories. Think of things that keep you young, believe in words that heal your heart, consider songs that make you cry and other childhood memories. Red-orange sunrises, dark purple twilights, bright star...
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